The Colt Ultra 10mm, UE057, is valued at $1,299 in good condition. It was custom made by Colt in 1989.
100-1000 uSD
0-750 USD
Your colt delta gold cup is going for between $900 and $1600 dollars depending on condition where your located, and how bad you want it.
I just bought a delta elite for 800. i was told that de serial #s are old manufacture & ds are new manufacture. i do believe colt is making these again.
Colt Combat Elite (45ACP) $1000.00 Colt Delta Elite (10mm) $1000.00 (not out yet)
Colt has not offered a AR15 in 308
50-700 usd
If you call Colt they will tell you when it was made. has Colt sn data.
Colt never made this weapon.