Yes. Pursuant to Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, a same-sex civil partnership formed in the Bailiwick of Jersey is legally recognized as a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.
No. Civil partnership is perfectly legal in the places where it is permitted. People generally have good intentions and noble purposes when they enter into civil partnerships. There is no rational basis for labeling civil partnership as "wrong."
Yes. Pursuant to Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, a same-sex civil partnership formed in Ireland is legally recognized as a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.
Yes. Pursuant to Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, a same-sex civil partnership formed in the Australian state of Queensland is legally recognized as a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.
Yes. Pursuant to Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, a same-sex civil partnership formed on the Isle of Man is legally recognized as a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.
Yes. Pursuant to Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, a same-sex civil partnership formed in South Africa is legally recognized as a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.
No. First of all, you cannot file for civil partnership in California. You can register a domestic partnership or legally marry a same-sex partner in California. The US federal government does not currently recognize domestic partnerships or civil unions for the purposes of immigration and naturalization. Same-sex marriages are, however, recognized.
I suggest you don't because you may get in trouble with your partner in the UK
Depending upon where you live, it is either marriage, civil union, civil partnership or domestic partnership.
They are not legally married. This is not permitted in the United Kingdom. They have a civil partnership (what we call a civil union in the USA). Their civil partnership ceremony took place on December 21, 2005.
The short answer is yes - it is called a "civil partnership" and not a marriage though, though the legal effect is pretty much the same. However, that does not mean that the partnership will be recognised in other countries - a civil partnership will probably not be recognised in, for example, California, USA because they do not recognised same sex marriages and are unlikely to accept civil partnerships and the legal rights that accompany them.
Yes. Pursuant to Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, a same-sex eingetragene Partnerschaft formed in Austria is legally recognized as a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.