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plastic, steel or maybe metal

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Q: What is a Christmas bauble made of?
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How do you say baubel in french?

Do you mean bauble, as in a trinket or knick-knack?une bibelot, une bricole, une babioleOr do you mean bauble as in a Christmas bauble or Christmas ornament?une décoration de Noël

When were Christmas tree bauble introduced?


A decorative ball found on Christmas trees?


What are the shiny balls that we decorate our Christmas tree called?

They are called a Bauble

What is a sentence for bauble?

Hey here is a sentence: The Christmas tree was covered with baubles.Hey here is a sentence: The Christmas tree was covered with baubles.

Where could one purchase hand blown glass bauble christmas ornaments?

There are a number of places one can purchase hand blown glass bauble Christmas ornaments. Some of the best places include Etsy, K.B.R. Design, Christmas Decorations and Bath Aqua Glass.

What does the symbol bauble represent?

A bauble symbolizes peace, harmony, and unity. It is often associated with Christmas as a decorative ornament that signifies joy and celebration. In general, it can represent precious or sentimental keepsakes.

What was the first bauble made from?

buffalo eyeballs buffalo eyeballs

Can you use bauble in a sentence?

A bauble is a small, decorative trinket. An example sentence would be: She keeps her bauble collection on the tall shelf.

Christmas related words begining with b?

bell, Bethlehem, Balthasar (name of one of the three Wise Men)

What is a bauble?

A bauble is a showy little trinket,decoration or toy of little value. In medieval times a bauble was the baton used as an emblem by jesters.

How can you use bauble in a sentence?

My grandfather bought a bauble on the clearance rack at Montgomery Ward.