Commonly called the Carcano, this was a bolt action military rifle that fired a 6.5mm bullet. It was the standard rifle of the Italian military for many years. It was also the type of rifle reportedly used to kill President John Kennedy.
The 1964-65 Italian Serie A was won by Internazionale.
"Desert rifle" in English is fucile nel deserto.
6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano Italian made rifle
I saw that rifle at Welston Pawn in Warner Robins today 30June2008 for $159.
Your stevens model 65/66 rifle was made during the years 1929-1945.
the rifle, a mannlicher-carcano rifle, is in the US national archives.
stella italiana is the translation in Italian Language. It is the fifth most taught language. It has more than 65 million native speakers.
President John F. Kennedy was the only president to be assassinated by a rifle. The weapon was a 6.5x52 mm Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle.
Your rifle is an Italian military rifle known as a Carcano. It was manufactured by Fabricca Armi Terni, the Italian military arsenal, in 1942. There are several versions, yours is probably the "fucile" or long rifle version. It should be chambered to fire the 6.5x52 mm (or "6.5 Carcano" or "6.5 Italian") round, but some fired the 7.35mm Italian round, or the 7.9 mm (8mm) German Mauser round. You can find more information at:
200 or so