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First, to the OPs question. A brand new Hi-Point .40 S&W retails anywhere from $150 to $190.

And to correct the previous answer, this particular firearm (as are many .40 caliber handguns) is referred to as a .40S&W as it is designed to fire .40 S&W rounds.


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Q: What is a 40 cal high point smith and Wesson worth?
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How much is a smith Wesson 9mm mod 3913 worth?

100-400 USD depending on condition. A working piece will fetch at least 300us. I have seen them go as high as 525 in NIB condition and am mad I didnt get it.

Should a 22 caliber Smith and Wesson Double Nine revolver have 2 cylinders?

Smith & Wesson did not make the Double-Nine. High Standard did, and it was available with two cylinders. One was a .22LR cylinder the other was chambered in .22 Magnum.

What is the value of 39-2 smith and Wesson?

Might be able to find a beater for $275, nicer in the box may go as high as $475.

What were popular gun brands in 1941?

Winchester, Marlin, Savage, Colt, Smith & Wesson, Iver Johnson, Mossberg, Harrington & Richardson, Ithaca, High Standard.

What is a Smith Wesson 357 magnum model 66 serial number 1k63299 worth?

The current (28th)edition of Fjestad's "Blue Book of Gun Values" shows values ranging from $230-$$395 depending on condition. The high number would be for a "mint" condition firearm.

Value of smith Wesson 29-2 high polish nickel 44 magnam with a 6.5 inch barrel?

Depending on condition the range could be 200-600 USD

What is the value of a smith Wesson model 1500 rifle?

Value on a rifle depends on the caliber and condition. The S&W 1500 was manufactured in Japan by a company named Howa, and they are high quality rifles. Howa also made guns for Weatherby and Mossberg. In good used condition they are worth $300-$400.

How much is a high point carbine 9mm rifle worth?

about 120

How much is a high point 380 worth?

25-50 USD

What is the value of a smith and Wesson 19-3 serial 9k65167?

value depend on overall condition On the low end, $500. On the high end of condition at auction price, up to $1,125.


IMPORTANT NOTE:Due to a high number of requests, the current turnaround time for a history letter is 8 - 12 weeks.Prior to requesting the history of your handgun, first determine that you have an authentic Smith & Wesson handgun. If the barrel is not stamped Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts or Smith & Wesson, Houlton, ME your handgun is not a Smith & Wesson. Many handguns are stamped with the caliber, i.e., .38 S&W. This indicates the caliber and does not necessarily mean that it is a Smith & Wesson manufactured handgun.Letter of Authenticity (See sample)If you desire an in-depth response we can provide a formal letter of authenticity. There is a fee of $30.00 to cover our research, administrative and postage costs.To order the history of your Smith & Wesson, print this form (requires Adobe Acrobat), fill it out and return it along with a photograph or sketch of your handgun and your check or money order.If you decide to obtain a history letter, please provide a complete description of the firearm that includes all markings, barrel length, finish, single or double action, exposed or concealed hammer and a photograph or outline sketch. If you do not know the exact caliber of the revolver please measure the length of the cylinder and include that with the description. This will aid in the identification of the handgun. If your revolver is marked with the Model Number it is not necessary to include an outline sketch or photograph.