ruger did not make a rg14s, rg made this revolver and its old but not worth much you can pick them up all day for 50 to 100 bucks
No such model. There was a SP101; 100-300
No such model in the Ruger line.
No such model. If it's a Single Six; 50-500 depending on specifics
Depending on condition and year of manufacture, I would say $150 - $250
100-1000 without a more detailed description.
50-250 dollars
Between $150 - $600, depending on the exact model.
50-225 usd
75-175 USD
Worth about $300, depending on condition. Ruger website, customer service, has dates of production by model and serial number.
Depending on exact model and condition, the Ruger autos are worth $100-300. Production dates are available at the Ruger website, under Customer Service, Historical Data.