I have a Ruguer Standard Model with paperwork dated "Revised October 1, 1952" that i would like to sell but do not know the worth of the gun. It is in excellent condition and the only time I know that it was used was in the 70's only once. It also has a leather cover. Thank you.
About $600.00
100-800 dollars
50-300 USD or so
50-200 USD
50-250 US Dollars
Depending on condition 175-365 USD.
it is worth ..............$$$$
Alex Sturm and Bill Ruger started selling pistols in 1949 using a red eagle logo that Sturm designed. When Sturm died in 1951, Ruger changed the logo to black to mourn his friend. Approximately 25,600 psitols were sold with the red eagle logo. If you have a pistol manufactured during those few years, it is valuable ($525 according to one book) and estimating its worth is beyond the scope of this site. You should contact an advanced Ruger collector to verify its authenticity and estimate its value. The original box can add $750 to $1500 to the price.
100-500 USD
it all depends on if your buying, selling. or collecting. I have one that I have had for thirty years and wouldn't sell it for anything.
100-300 USD
$100-$250, dpending on condition.