Value of ANY gun is based on exact make, model, and condition. There were two different versions of the pistol I THINK you are asking about- ball park value $175-$250.
Your Beretta .32 Auto is worth $100-200, depending on condition and markings.
25-300 usd
The best route is to ask a gunsmith for assistance.
100-300 USD or so
In great condition it is worth $800-$1000
It started out life with one. If you can't find it, get rid of it.
175 USD
How much is a beretta u22 neo worth
350-450 depending on condition and whether or not it is magnum or not.
A 1944-P Jefferson nickel in very fine condition (VF20) is worth: $2.00; if its mint state is MS60, the value rises to; $16.00.
$350-$600, depending on condition.