Can't be answered without a DETAILED description of ALL markings, barrel length, sights, stock, caliber, finish, overall condition, box, papers, history, etc..
It depends on who made it and what condition it is in. If it's a Hi-Point carbine, they are on the lower-end for value and price even though they are known to be reliable. It might be worth $200 U.S. Dollars. But a Beretta or Ruger .40 caliber carbine might be worth $500 or so.
How much is a beretta u22 neo worth
what is a m1 carbine worth
You MAY be describing a Carcano military rifle. If so, values about $150, depending on condition.
100-500 USD depending on specifics
used is about $225
Your Beretta .32 Auto is worth $100-200, depending on condition and markings.
what is a 1929 model a worth
50-490 usd
used is about $225
100-300 or so