Need a detailed description of all markings/features, finish, condition, box, papers, accessories, etc..
The manufacturers date is June 1914. The value of a Winchester model 94 is dependent upon the condition. The gun can be worth as much as $2000.
1.000.000 coins were struck in 1914. Value : about 10 dollars in good condition.
#00 poor condition to 600 excellent condition MGV 15 ed.
The Model 1914 is basically a tube-fed variant of the Model 1903.the average price in good shooting condition is from 200.00 to 310.00
In NRA good condition, about $750
Between $10 and $5,000. It will depend on the model and condition.
In circulated condition it's worth about a dollar. A nice uncirculated one is worth $2 to $3
These are one dollar bills with a blue seal. In average circulated condition they are worth 60 to 90 dollars. In uncirculated condition they are worth 225 dollars or more depending on condition.
It would be worth $30-35 in Extra Fine condition, dropping to $2-4 in Good condition.
It would be worth between $210 and $255. New Condition $300 dates of Manufacture: 500 shot made 1914-17 350 shot nickel finish 1921-32 350 shot blue finish 1918-20