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---- Zorastrian is the oldest religion known. Originated in Iran. The three wise men were Zorastrian.

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10mo ago

Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions founded by the prophet Zoroaster in ancient Persia. It emphasizes the concepts of good versus evil, free will, and the importance of leading a righteous life. Zoroastrians worship in fire temples and follow teachings found in the Avesta, their sacred text.

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What did the three wise men look like?

It is impossible to know, in fact, the Bible doesn't even say there were three men, it only says that there were wise men and they brought three gifts. We assume there were three men because there were three gifts but there could have been more men. Also, it is debated whether the wise men were Zorastrian priests from the east or priests from a closer area, so we don't even know their nationality for sure.This is what we know about the wise men from the Bible (Matthew chapter 2):They came during the reign of Herod, although not necessarily the night Jesus was bornThey came from the east - just how far east is unknownThey asked where Jesus was in Jerusalem, evidently understanding prophesies of his birth, but not knowing which city he would be born in or were not familiar with the areaThey knew that Jesus was born because of the starWhen they visited Jesus, it was in a house, not a stableThey delievered Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh to JesusThey were warned by God to not return to Herod, evidently holy men in tune with God