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Q: What is Value of smith Wesson 38 chiefs special airweight Model 37?
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What is the value of a Smith and Wesson 38 Chiefs Special Airweight Model 37 with a blue finish and 2 barrell and round butt?

50-500 usd

What is a Smith and Wesson Model 37 Air Weight worth if never fired and purchased in 1984?

Your Smith and Wesson model 37 chiefs special airweight will bring 450 dollars in new unfired condition.It may bring more if the buyer is really motivated.

What is the age and model of a 38 special Smith and Wesson Airweight serial c812682?

45 years old

What model is my Smith and Wesson Airweight 38 special 6 shot serial number C237448?

Made in 1953. Model Numbers did not come into use unitl @ 1957. Sounds like you have a Chief Special Airweight. Later numbered as a Model 37.

Your smith and Wesson airweight 38 special model 37 has the front trigger guard missing?

Someone modified it.

What is the age and value of a 38 special Smith and Wesson Model 36 AirWeight serial J97271?


What is the value of a black 38 special Smith and Wesson Airweight Model 42 serial 19876?

100-500 USD

What is a Smith and Wesson Model 37 chrome Airweight worth?


What model is your Smith and Wesson Airweight 38 Special Serial No 85817?

Up unitl @ 1957 model numbers were not used. Check inside the frame near the crane, it has a model number, it will be there.

How many model of the smith and Wesson airweight are there?

Informaiton not available in the public domain.

What is value of smith and wesson 5 shot model 36 chiefs special?

50-450 USd

What is the age of a 38 caliber Smith and Wesson Chief's Special Model 37 airweight serial 42092?

My serial # is near yours and I purchased it new in 1968.