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it's where you don't have sex until you married.

only having sex with one partner that you have a holy matrimony with.

staying a virgin.

It is a comminetment to not have sex or anything close to it until your wedding night. Some people take it to the extream end and don't even kiss! But for most people it simplys means going no futher then french kissing (if you go even that far).

i quite frankly think its a bad idear solong as you use a comdom and know that you both defintly want it then go shagg till your hearts content hower for legal reson i will say make shure you 16 first but im not judging if you choice to do it earlyer

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11mo ago

Teen purity typically refers to the practice of abstaining from sexual activity until marriage. This can include refraining from engaging in sexual intercourse, as well as other sexual behaviors, to uphold one's personal or religious values. Teen purity is often promoted as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and to foster emotional well-being.

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A Purity necklace is the same as a purity ring. The difference is it is just a necklace instead of a ring but it means the same thing. I have a purity necklace myself and if you are thinking about getting one it is a awesome thing to have. So like you can have a purity ring, purity necklace, purity bracelet any jewelry really it all means the same thing.

Greek word for purity?

Purity in Greek is 'hagnea.' :)