ASE (American Stock Exchange) NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
The ticker symbol for Wells Fargo stock is WFC. A ticker symbol refers to an abbreviation that is used on a stock market to identify that particular company.
"The term ""bby stock"" is a stock market term that refers to the company Best Buy. Bby is an abbreviation for Best Buy, and when referring to the company stock, people in the business will use ""bby stock""."
In finance the abbreviation FTK is used for Flotek Industries Incorporated when trading stocks and shares on the United States Nasdaq stock market. The Nasdaq is the high tech stock market in America.
ceregene is a private co. No stock symbol.
COH is an abbreviation that stands for Coach. In the stock market, each company has a three letter abbreviation. Coach is known for its handbags and designer purses.
SNA is the abbreviation of the stock company Snap-on Inc. Over the course of the past year, this particular stock has been on the rise, and is seeing a high in the market.
L like their logo
Facebook is a privately traded company so you cannot buy stock or obtain stock unless you are employed by Facebook.
ASE (American Stock Exchange) NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
The AECOM Technology corporation is a very large American multi-industry company. It provides services in things like building engineering and architechure. The stock market abbreviation of AECOM is ACM.
Twitter is a privately held company, so it's not listed on a public stock exchange.
There are many online sources to learn about the stock market and how to be successful at it online. There is a facebook group, along with many financial web sites to search for regarding this market.
Microsoft (MSFT) Sony (SNE) General Electric (GE)