

Best Answer

Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move. In that respect it differs from almost every other game. The primary activity of Nomic is proposing changes in the rules, debating the wisdom of changing them in that way, voting on the changes, deciding what can and cannot be done afterwards, and doing it. Even this core of the game, of course, can be changed. (Peter Suber, The Paradox of Self-Amendment, Appendix 3, p. 362)

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10y ago

If this is what i think it is 'nomication' is coined from the japanese term 'nomi' (drink) and 'communication'. Where people, esp. from work, communicate more openly during a nomikai.

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The film received five Academy Award nominations. The nominations for the Academy Awards have been announced. Recent Examples on the Web With all absentee and ...techatnow. com

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern NO--C. That is, five letter words with 1st letter N and 2nd letter O and 5th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: nomic

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How many words can you make out of ergonomics?

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What words can be made using the letters in Conner James-Lee Zammito?

2 points: aa, ae, ai, al, an, ar, at, ea, ee, el, en, er, et, in, io, it, la, li, lo, na, ne, no, oe, oi, on, oo, or, re, ta, te, ti, to24 points: jazerant, zoometrical23 points: caramelize, economizer, janizar, mamzerim, momzerim, zanjero22 points: amazement, azotaemic, centralizer, economize, encarnalize, jezail, lemmatize, marmalize, marmarize, marmelize, memorizer, mercerize, mezcaline, rejoicement, renormalize, zoomantic, zoometric21 points: actinozoan, anatomizer, azotemic, cajolement, centralize, macarize, mazement, memorize, metazoic, normalizer, racemize, recanalize, recolonize, remonetize, remoralize, zanja20 points: amazonite, anatomize, aromatize, canonizer, cantonize, carnalize, cartelize, colonizer, colorizer, electrize, jeez, matronize, merozoite, monzonite, moralizer, mortalize, narcotize, necrotize, normalize, ozocerite, ranzelman, ranzelmen, zelatrice19 points: amortize, anemometrical, armozeen, armozine, atomizer, azotemia, calorize, canalize, canonize, canzonet, colonize, colorize, commemorate, creolize, ectozoan, eczema, entozoic, enzootic, eternalize, interzonal, intrazonal, jiz, majolica, mamzer, marjoram, mazarine, melanize, metalize, metazoal, metazoan, metazoon, metrazol, mezcal, mezereon, microjet, momzer, monazite, monetize, moralize, motorize, nizamate, romanize, zimmer, zonetime, zoomania18 points: alcorza, atomize, calzone, calzoni, canzona, canzone, canzoni, coalize, commentarial, conjoiner, cozener, crazier, crozier, czarina, ectozoa, interzone, jammier, jemmier, manometrical, matzoon, menazon, metazoa, metronomical, microelement, monometrical, neoterize, nonmetameric, rejection, romanza, zacaton, zamarro, zincate, zooecia, zoolatria17 points: amazon, amerciament, anemometric, annalize, atrazine, azonic, azotic, conjoint, cozier, crozer, ejection, entozoal, entozoan, eternize, injector, jammer, jemima, jerrican, jicama, joncanoe, laterize, mazier, meazel, mezail, nonmajor, notarize, ozonic, realizer, reinject, rejectee, rejecter, rejector, rejoicer, triazole, trizonal, zarnec, zircon, zocalo, zoecia, zoetic, zonation, zoolater, zoonic16 points: amaze, amercement, antijam, azoic, cajoler, ceaze, cloze, colza, conjoin, cooze, cozen, cozie, craze, croze, ejector, entozoa, erotize, jaconet, lazaret, maize, majorat, manometric, matza, matzo, mazer, melomaniac, metronomic, micrometer, micrometre, micromolar, miltz, mirza, mizen, mnemonical, mojarra, monomaniac, monometric, motza, netizen, nizam, nonzero, oneiromancer, ozonate, realize, reeject, rejoice, trizone, tzarina, zaman, zamia, zealant, zelator, zeolite, zinco, ziram, zoarial, zoolite, zoonite, zootier15 points: aeronomical, alteza, ammocoete, ammonical, araeometric, azione, azonal, cajole, calorimeter, cameramen, cojoin, colorimeter, commenter, commentor, comminate, commorant, conjee, conterminal, coze, craniometer, crematorial, czar, ejecta, enjoiner, entrez, enzian, enzone, erotomaniac, immanacle, immanence, incremental, inject, jacare, jacent, jetliner, lazier, macromere, macromole, mammonite, maze, melomanic, metameric, meze, micromere, micromole, microtome, mincemeat, monatomic, monomeric, moze, mozo, mzee, naartjie, nomenclator, nonaromatic, nonmetrical, oozier, ozaena, ramjet, ranzel, reclamation, recremental, reject, rezero, rezone, romaji, ronzer, tarzan, teazel, teazle, tenzon, zanier, zealot, zeatin, zelant, zenana, zinc, zoaeae, zoaria, zoic, zonate, zooeae, zooeal, zooier, zoom, zoonal, zorino14 points: acetonemia, acoelomate, actinomere, aerometric, aizle, ammocete, ammoniac, anemometer, azine, azlon, azole, azote, cajon, cameration, camomile, caz, ceilometer, centromere, ceremonial, clammier, clementine, clinometer, colemanite, commoner, coz, crematoria, eject, electromer, enlacement, iconometer, immanental, immoment, jacal, janitor, jantier, jointer, joltier, jomon, joram, lacrimator, lazar, leaze, lozen, maceration, major, melaconite, mercantile, metromania, microtonal, mileometer, miz, mnemonic, monactinal, montelimar, moz, naartje, nartjie, nazir, necromania, neeze, nertz, noematical, ojime, ozone, racemation, razee, razer, razoo, razor, rearmament, reclaimant, recommit, recreational, rejoneo, romantical, rozet, rozit, teaze, telecamera, teleonomic, toaze, tolarji, tozie, tricameral, trooz, zaire, zante, zlote, zoaea, zoeae, zoeal, zonae, zonal, zoner, zooea, zoril, zorro13 points: aeronomic, ameliorator, ammoniate, ammonic, azan, azon, carmelite, clammer, coalminer, coelenteron, coelomata, coelomate, commata, comment, commere, commote, conominee, contemner, contemnor, cormorant, cornerman, cornermen, correlation, crammer, cremation, crenelation, crimmer, electioneer, enjoin, enterocoele, entrammel, immolator, inclement, incremate, increment, injera, intercooler, intolerance, izar, jailer, jailor, jantee, jarina, jarool, jeelie, jeerer, jennet, jilter, jinnee, joanna, joco, joiner, jolter, jomo, latecomer, laze, lazo, macerater, macerator, macrame, macrami, mammate, mammati, manometer, manticora, manticore, maremma, maremme, marmoreal, marmorean, melanotic, melomania, memoriter, menominee, merocrine, merriment, metameral, metronome, microloan, microtone, milometer, mojo, monactine, monoamine, monocline, monomania, monometer, monotreme, mortarman, mortarmen, naze, nazi, nonatomic, nonmaterial, nonmetric, oncometer, ooze, orzo, raze, recalment, reclaimer, reconnoiter, reconnoitre, recrement, reincarnate, rejoin, remanence, ritz, riza, tajine, tinaja, toze, trammeler, trez, tzar, zati, zeal, zein, zero, zeta, zila, zine, zite, zoea, zona, zone, zoon, zoot, zori12 points: acoemeti, acromial, acromion, acroterial, acroterion, alternance, amelcorn, ameliorant, ameliorate, ammonate, ammonite, amorance, analcime, anatomic, araeometer, armament, armonica, aromatic, atomical, azo, calamine, calamint, calamite, cameleer, cameleon, cameline, cammie, celomata, cementer, cemitare, centerline, centreline, cerement, claimant, clamorer, clinamen, coalmine, coelentera, coenamor, coinmate, colorman, colormen, comelier, commer, commie, commit, common, commot, conational, contrarian, coramine, corelation, cornmeal, creamier, creational, cremator, cremorne, cromorna, cromorne, ectomere, eejit, emaciate, emetical, eminence, emoticon, enantiomer, encomion, enterocele, enterocoel, erotomania, iconolater, immanent, immantle, immolate, immortal, incoronate, intercalar, intercom, interocean, interramal, jam, jarta, jeton, jinne, jirre, jnana, joint, laceration, lez, macaroni, macaroon, macerate, mailroom, mammae, mammal, mammee, mammer, mammet, mammie, mammon, marocain, mealtime, meantime, meconate, melamine, melanoma, meliorator, memorial, metamale, metamere, meteoric, metrical, mimmer, mnemic, mommet, monecian, moniment, monocrat, monomial, monticle, morticer, mortmain, motorcar, motorman, motormen, necrolater, neoterical, ninja, noncrime, nonmarital, nonreactor, octonarian, oratorical, ornamental, ornamenter, racemate, reactional, rearmice, recamier, recement, recreation, reelection, reentrance, reiterance, rejon, relocation, remontoire, renominate, reremice, rez, rioja, riz, romancer, romantic, romcom, roommate, trilemma, zea, zee, zel, zin, zit, zoa, zol, zoo11 points: acromia, acroteria, aerometer, aeronomer, ajar, ajee, aleatoric, alinement, almemar, amercer, ammeter, ammiral, ammonal, ammonia, anaemic, anamniote, ancienter, anorectal, antiarmor, arecoline, areometer, calmant, calmier, camaron, camelia, camelot, camerae, cameral, camorra, cantilena, cantorial, caramel, carmine, carnaroli, carnation, carnelian, caromel, cementa, centenier, centime, centimo, centraler, centriole, ceramal, certainer, cinerator, claimer, clamant, clarionet, clement, climate, cnemial, coalman, coalmen, coelome, coeternal, comital, comma, commo, container, contemn, coomier, coremia, cornelian, correlate, creamer, cremant, cremate, cremona, crenation, crenelate, crotaline, ecarinate, eloinment, emanation, emicant, emicate, emotional, encomia, enrolment, entomic, eriometer, erratical, imamate, immoral, inamorato, incarnate, incomer, interclan, interlace, intermale, interrace, jail, jane, jann, jarl, jato, jean, jeat, jeel, jeer, jeon, jete, jiao, jilt, jinn, join, jole, jolt, jota, lacertian, lacertine, laminator, lancinate, lemmata, limacon, lineament, locoman, locomen, maceral, mailcar, mailman, mailmen, malmier, malonic, maltman, maltmen, mamelon, mamma, manacle, manioca, mantram, mantric, maormor, marcato, marconi, marmite, matrice, meatman, meatmen, meconin, meercat, melanic, melatonin, meliorate, meltemi, memento, menacer, mentioner, mentorial, metamer, metical, minorca, miocene, miracle, molimen, momenta, momento, momma, monocle, monolater, monomer, moorman, moormen, mootman, mootmen, moratoria, mormaor, moronic, morrice, mortice, motoric, nanometer, nanometre, narcoma, narcotine, nectareal, nectarean, nectarial, nectarine, nematic, nemertean, nemertian, nemertine, nominator, noncareer, noncereal, noncoital, nonerotic, nonmortal, nonmotile, nonracial, octennial, oenomania, oenometer, olecranon, omicron, ommatea, raja, rammier, reanimate, reclaim, reclame, reclinate, rectorial, reenactor, relocatee, relocator, remnantal, remontoir, rencontre, renitence, roji, romance, tarriance, telecom, telomic, terricole, tierceron, tolerance, tonemic, tramcar, trammel, trammie, treaclier, trimmer, trommel, za, zo10 points: acierate, acmite, acrolein, actioner, alaiment, ameerate, amerce, amitrole, ammine, ammino, ammono, amorce, amtman, amtrac, analcite, ancome, anconeal, anemic, animater, animator, anomic, anoretic, anteroom, antiacne, antimale, antimere, antinome, arcmin, areolation, armorial, atomic, caeoma, caiman, calami, calima, calmer, camail, camera, camion, camlet, camote, cantonal, careener, careline, careme, carinate, carman, carmen, carotene, carriole, carrom, carrotin, catenane, cement, centiare, centinel, centonel, cermet, cilantro, cinema, cinereal, clamor, clarinet, clartier, cleome, coelom, colinear, colorant, comart, comate, comm, conarial, conation, conima, contline, contrail, contrair, controle, corelate, cormel, cornrent, coronate, coteline, craniate, creatine, creation, cremor, creolian, cretonne, crimen, ecotonal, election, electron, emanator, emeerate, emeritae, emetic, enaction, enameler, enarration, encaenia, encalm, enceinte, encierro, encrinal, entrance, erectile, erection, eremic, eremital, erotical, iceman, icemen, immane, incenter, incentre, income, increate, interrenal, intonaco, iterance, jai, jar, jee, jet, jin, joe, jol, jor, jot, lacerant, lacerate, lactam, laitance, lamantin, lamenter, laminate, lammer, lammie, larcener, lecanora, lemonier, lenience, limmer, limonene, location, lonicera, loricate, macron, maimer, maleic, malice, malonate, maniac, manioc, mannitol, manorial, mantic, maomao, marcel, marinate, marinera, marmot, marooner, marram, material, materiel, maternal, matico, matric, matronal, meemie, melanian, melanite, memoir, menace, mercat, mercer, merman, mermen, merome, metanoia, metric, micate, micron, mincer, minneola, mnemon, moment, monact, moneme, monorail, montaria, montem, morainal, motelier, motional, motioner, motorail, motorial, narceine, naricorn, neotenic, neoteric, nimmer, nincom, nominate, nonactor, noncom, nonelect, nonmetal, nonmetro, nonmoral, noontime, oncome, oomiac, ornament, orometer, raceme, raincoat, raj, ramcat, rammel, rammer, rammle, reaction, realtime, recanter, recenter, recentre, recliner, recoiler, recreant, recreate, rectoral, reliance, relocate, remanent, remotion, rimmer, rolamite, tailrace, taj, tamanoir, tammar, tammie, tarmac, telecine, telomere, terminal, terminer, timoneer, torminal, trainman, trainmen, tramline, tricolor, tricorne, trimaran9 points: acarine, acerate, acerola, acetone, aconite, acroter, actinal, actinon, aerotrain, ailment, alamort, alencon, alicant, alienator, aliment, almoner, aloetic, amarone, amation, amental, amentia, amice, amirate, amman, ammon, amnic, amniote, amorant, amorino, amotion, amreeta, ancient, anconal, anelace, anemone, animate, animato, anoetic, antical, anticar, antiman, arenation, armoire, arteriole, article, calorie, caman, camel, cameo, cannier, cannoli, canteen, cantier, cantina, cantion, cariere, carinae, carinal, cariole, carline, carnier, caroler, carom, carotin, carrion, cartoon, catenae, cateran, caterer, celom, centare, centile, centner, central, ceratin, cerrial, certain, cimar, cineole, cinerea, cirrate, claim, clame, clarain, clarino, clarion, cleaner, clearer, clime, cloam, coalier, coaltar, cointer, colorer, comae, comal, comer, comet, comte, conaria, connate, connote, contain, control, coolant, coontie, coram, coranto, corneae, corneal, cornier, coronae, coronal, coronel, coroner, coronet, cortile, cortina, coterie, crame, cranial, cream, creatin, creator, creme, crenate, crime, crinate, crome, crooner, crotala, ecotone, electee, elector, electro, element, emanant, emanate, emcee, emerita, emetine, eminent, emirate, emmer, emmet, emotion, enactor, enamine, encinal, enemata, enteric, enticer, entrainer, erecter, erector, eremite, ermelin, erotema, eroteme, erotica, erratic, etamine, interloan, ionomer, ironman, ironmen, ja, jo, lactean, lactone, lameter, laminae, laminar, lamiter, larmier, latence, lectern, lection, lemma, licente, limma, lineman, linemen, loamier, locater, locator, lomenta, loricae, lorimer, macer, macle, macon, macro, malam, maleate, malic, maltier, mamee, mamie, manatee, manic, manlier, mannite, manrent, manteel, mariner, marital, marlier, marline, marlite, marrano, martial, martian, matinal, matinee, mealier, meatier, melanin, melic, meltier, mention, meranti, metic, micra, micro, mimeo, mimer, minaret, mince, mineola, mineral, miterer, mneme, molerat, molinet, moneran, moneron, monitor, montane, montero, moonier, moonlet, moonlit, moorier, moraine, morrion, motlier, nacrite, namma, narceen, narcein, narration, nemoral, nomic, nominal, nominee, noncola, noncore, nonmeat, nonrioter, norimon, noticer, oatmeal, ocarina, ocreate, octanol, oenomel, oinomel, omental, omniana, onetime, oratorial, oratorian, orcinol, orienteer, orraman, orramen, racloir, railcar, railman, railmen, raiment, ramenta, rationale, reactor, reamier, recital, reciter, reclean, recline, recolor, recrate, rection, reelect, reelman, reelmen, reenact, reerect, remanet, remanie, remnant, remoter, reremai, reticle, retrace, retrainee, romaine, roomier, tacrine, talcier, tamarin, tearoom, telamon, teleman, telemen, terrace, tiercel, tonearm, toolman, toolmen, tormina, treacle, tremolo, tricorn, trireme, tromino8 points: acater, acetal, acetin, acinar, acme, action, aecial, aeonic, aeration, aerolite, aerotone, airman, airmen, alerce, alienate, almain, almner, alnico, amatol, amelia, amenta, ammo, amnion, amoral, amoret, amrita, ancile, ancone, ancora, anemia, anetic, animal, anlace, annealer, anointer, anomie, anterior, aortic, arcane, arctan, areolate, armlet, arnica, arrect, arterial, atelic, atocia, atonic, calm, cama, came, camo, canier, canine, cannae, cannel, canner, cannie, cannot, canoer, canola, cantal, cantar, canter, cantle, canton, cantor, carate, careen, career, carina, carlin, carlot, carnal, carnet, carnie, caroli, carrat, carrel, carron, carrot, cartel, carter, carton, catalo, catena, cation, catlin, ceiler, cenote, centai, cental, center, centra, centre, cerate, cereal, cerite, ceroon, cetane, cineol, citola, citole, citral, citron, clam, claret, clem, client, cloner, coaita, coaler, coatee, coater, coiler, coiner, coital, colone, coloni, coltan, colter, coma, come, conine, conner, contra, cooler, coolie, coom, coorie, cooter, cootie, corm, cornea, cornel, corner, cornet, corona, corral, correa, corrie, cortin, cram, crania, crater, craton, creant, create, crem, crenel, creole, cretin, criant, crim, crinal, cronet, crotal, croton, earcon, ecarte, eclair, elance, elaterin, elmier, emetin, emic, emma, emoter, enamel, enamor, enatic, encina, encore, enlace, enolic, enrace, entailer, entame, entice, eocene, eolienne, ermine, erotic, etamin, imam, imaret, incant, incent, inerrant, inlace, inmate, inornate, internal, internee, lacier, lament, lamiae, lamina, lancer, lancet, lanneret, lateener, lectin, lector, lentic, lernaean, lictor, limner, locate, loiterer, lomata, lomein, loment, lorica, mace, mailer, maim, mainer, mainor, malate, maline, malm, maloti, mama, manati, manent, manila, manito, manner, manoao, mantel, mantle, mantra, marari, marc, marina, marine, marlin, marm, maroon, marron, martel, marten, martin, matier, matron, mealer, mealie, meaner, meanie, meatal, meeter, melano, melena, melter, melton, meme, memo, meneer, menial, mental, mentee, mentor, merc, merino, merlin, merlon, merlot, meteor, metier, mica, mice, mico, milter, mime, minter, mitral, moaner, moiler, moline, molten, molter, mome, momi, monera, monial, montan, montre, mooner, mooter, morale, moreen, morion, mortal, mortar, motier, motile, motion, national, neanic, nearlier, nectar, neocon, neonatal, nocent, noetic, nomina, nonelite, normal, norman, notarial, notice, notional, ocelot, ocreae, octane, octroi, oilcan, oilman, oilmen, omelet, omenta, omerta, oracle, orcein, orcine, oriental, orienter, orrice, racial, racier, racoon, ramate, rameal, ramona, ramtil, rancel, rancor, rational, ratooner, reamer, reanoint, recane, recant, recent, recite, recoal, recoat, recoil, recoin, rectal, rector, reemit, relace, relation, relearnt, relict, remail, remain, remate, remeet, remelt, remint, remora, remote, rename, reorient, retailer, retailor, retainer, retama, reteam, retime, retinene, retrim, rictal, ritornel, roamer, roemer, romano, roomer, roomie, rotenone, taileron, tamale, tamari, tamein, tamine, tannic, tanrec, tarcel, teamer, teemer, telome, temene, tenace, tenrec, tercel, tercio, termer, termor, tierce, tincal, tinman, tinmen, tomial, toneme, toomer, tracer, tramel, trance, treenail, tremie, tremor, tricar, trimer, trocar7 points: acari, aceta, acorn, actin, acton, actor, aecia, aeolian, aeonian, aerator, ailanto, aileron, aimer, alamo, alanine, alarm, alation, alerion, alerter, alienee, aliener, alienor, alterer, alterne, amain, amate, ameer, amene, ament, amine, amino, amnia, amnio, amole, amort, amrit, ancle, ancon, anima, anime, antic, antliae, antlion, arame, areca, areic, arenite, areolae, areolar, armer, armet, armil, armor, aroma, artic, atelier, atman, cairn, cam, canal, caner, canna, canoe, canon, canto, carat, carer, caret, carle, carol, carta, carte, cater, cento, ceorl, ceria, cerne, cital, citer, claro, clart, clean, clear, cleat, cline, clint, clone, cloot, clote, coala, coate, coati, colin, colon, color, conia, conin, conne, conte, conto, cooee, cooer, coral, corer, coria, corni, corno, cotan, craal, crane, crare, crate, creel, crena, crier, crine, crone, crool, croon, crore, ctene, earlier, eaterie, eclat, elation, elect, elemi, elmen, eloiner, email, emeer, emote, enact, enarm, enation, enema, eniac, enorm, enteral, enterer, enteron, entrail, entrain, erect, erica, etaerio, eternal, etrenne, ictal, ileac, inarm, incle, inerm, inerter, interne, intoner, lacer, lacet, laetare, lamer, lamia, lance, lantern, larnier, latrine, learier, learner, leerier, leman, lemon, lenient, leonine, lernean, liman, limen, linac, lineate, loonier, loric, loriner, lotic, maare, mac, maile, maire, malar, mam, manat, manet, mania, manna, manor, manta, manto, marae, maria, marle, maron, maror, marri, matai, mater, matin, matlo, meane, meant, meare, meint, melee, melon, mem, menta, mento, merel, merer, meril, merit, merle, metal, meter, metol, metre, metro, mic, miler, milor, mim, minae, minar, miner, minor, miter, mitre, moc, moira, moire, molar, molto, mom, monal, moner, monie, monte, moola, mooli, morae, moral, morat, morel, moria, morne, moron, morra, morro, motel, moten, motor, nacre, namer, nance, narco, naric, narrate, neonate, nicer, nicol, niece, nointer, nomen, nomoi, nonce, nonoral, norma, nortena, norteno, ocean, ocrea, octal, octan, olearia, oleic, oncer, oncet, onerier, onliner, ontic, orarian, orarion, oration, orcin, ormer, ornater, ortolan, otarine, racer, racon, ramal, ramee, ramen, ramet, ramie, ramin, rance, ratline, react, realm, realter, realtie, realtor, reame, rearm, recal, recit, recon, recta, recti, recto, reenter, reinter, relater, relator, relearn, reliant, relic, reman, remen, remet, remit, rentier, retem, retinae, retinal, retinol, retiral, retiree, retrain, retrial, ricer, rimae, rimer, romal, roman, romeo, rootier, roric, tacan, taeniae, talma, tamal, tamer, tamin, taraire, taroc, tearier, teenier, telco, teleran, telic, tenoner, terce, ternion, terrain, terrane, terreen, terrene, terrine, tical, timer, timon, toenail, toman, tomia, tonic, toric, trace, trailer, trainee, trainer, trannie, trema, trenail, triac, trice, troelie, tronc, troolie6 points: acai, acer, acne, acre, acta, aerate, aerial, aerier, alanin, alco, alec, aliner, alma, alme, altern, amen, amia, amie, amin, amir, amla, ance, anneal, anoint, antiar, antler, antlia, antral, aortae, aortal, arco, areola, areole, aroint, arrant, artier, atma, atoc, atom, atonal, atoner, atonia, atrial, cain, calo, cane, cann, cant, care, carl, carn, carr, cart, cate, ceil, celt, cent, cere, cero, cert, cete, ciao, ciel, cine, cion, cire, cirl, cite, cito, clan, clat, clon, clot, coal, coat, coil, coin, coir, coit, cola, cole, colt, cone, coni, conn, cool, coon, coot, core, corn, cote, cran, cree, crit, earner, eelier, eerier, elanet, elater, emir, emit, enroot, entail, entera, entire, entoil, entree, eolian, eonian, eric, errant, errata, etalon, eterne, etic, etoile, etrier, icer, icon, inaner, innate, intern, intone, intron, ionone, irater, ironer, irreal, item, lace, laic, lama, lame, lanate, lanner, lariat, larine, lateen, latina, latino, latria, latron, leam, leaner, learnt, leme, lenite, lenten, lentor, lice, lierne, lima, lime, limn, limo, linear, linnet, linter, lionet, loam, loaner, loca, loci, loco, loerie, loiter, loma, lome, loom, loonie, looten, looter, lorate, loriot, lotion, maar, mail, main, mair, mala, male, mali, malt, mana, mane, mani, mano, mara, mare, marl, mart, mate, meal, mean, meat, meer, meet, mein, mela, melt, mene, meno, ment, mere, meri, merl, meta, mete, mien, mile, milo, milt, mina, mine, mino, mint, mire, miro, mite, mm, moai, moan, moat, moer, moil, moit, mola, mole, molt, mona, mono, mooi, mool, moon, moor, moot, mora, more, morn, mort, mote, moti, naam, naiant, nailer, name, narc, narial, narine, nation, natron, nearer, neaten, neater, neem, nema, nemn, nerine, nerite, neroli, nice, noma, nome, nonart, nooner, norite, norm, notion, oarier, octa, oleate, oleine, omen, omer, omit, once, online, oolite, oorali, oorial, oorier, oraria, orator, orca, orient, oriole, ornate, otic, raca, race, railer, rami, ranine, ranter, rateen, ratine, ration, ratlin, ratoon, realer, realia, ream, reearn, reeler, reiter, relata, relate, relent, relier, reline, reloan, renail, rennet, rental, renter, rerail, rerent, retail, retain, retear, retene, retial, retile, retina, retine, retire, retool, retore, retorn, retral, retree, rialto, rice, riem, rima, rime, rioter, roam, roarie, roma, ronion, ronnel, ronnie, room, rooter, rootle, tace, taco, taenia, tailer, tailor, talc, taleae, talion, tame, tanner, tannie, tarnal, team, tearer, teem, teener, teme, tenail, teniae, tenner, term, ternal, terrae, tice, time, tineal, tinner, toco, toeier, toiler, tolane, tome, tomo, tonier, tonner, tooler, toom, toonie, toorie, torana, torc, torero, tram, triene, trim, trinal5 points: aarti, ace, act, aerie, aim, ainee, airer, alane, alant, alate, alert, alien, aline, aloin, alone, altar, alter, ama, ami, anear, anele, anent, anile, anion, annal, annat, anole, antae, antar, antra, antre, aorta, arc, areae, areal, arear, arena, arene, arere, arete, ariel, ariot, arm, arret, artal, artel, atone, atria, caa, can, car, cat, cee, cel, cit, col, con, coo, cor, cot, eaten, eater, eco, eerie, elain, elate, elint, elite, elm, eloin, eme, emo, enate, enlit, enrol, enter, entia, ice, inane, inert, inlet, inner, intel, inter, intra, intro, irate, irone, laari, lac, lam, lanai, laree, laten, later, leant, leare, learn, leear, lenti, lento, leone, liana, liane, liart, linen, liner, lirot, liter, litre, loner, looie, loran, maa, mae, mal, man, mar, mat, mee, mel, men, met, mil, mir, mna, moa, moe, moi, mol, mon, moo, mor, mot, naira, nam, narre, natal, neele, neral, nerol, nim, niter, niton, nitre, nitro, noint, nom, nonet, nooit, noria, notal, noter, oaten, oater, oca, oiler, olein, olent, olm, onion, oom, oorie, orant, orate, orc, oriel, orlon, raile, raine, raita, ram, ranee, raree, ratal, ratan, ratel, rater, ratio, ratoo, realo, reata, reate, rec, relet, relie, relit, rem, renal, renin, renne, rente, reoil, reran, retia, retie, retro, riant, riata, rim, roate, roc, rom, roneo, ronin, ronne, ronte, roral, rorie, rotal, rotan, roton, rotor, taira, talar, talea, taler, talon, tam, tanna, tarre, tec, teene, telae, telia, teloi, tenia, tenne, tenno, tenon, tenor, terai, terne, terra, tiara, tic, tiler, tinea, toc, toile, tolan, tolar, tom, tonal, toner, tonne, toran, trail, train, treen, trial, trier, trine, triol, trior, trona, trone4 points: aeon, aero, aine, airn, airt, alae, alan, alar, alee, alit, aloe, alto, am, anal, anan, anil, anna, anno, anoa, anon, anta, ante, anti, arar, area, aret, aria, aril, arle, arna, arti, eale, earl, earn, eina, eine, elan, em, enol, eoan, eorl, erne, eten, etna, ilea, inro, into, iota, iron, laer, lain, lair, lana, lane, lant, lare, lari, larn, late, lati, lean, lear, leat, leer, leet, leir, leno, lent, lere, liar, lien, lier, line, linn, lino, lint, lion, lira, lire, lite, loan, loin, loir, lone, loon, loor, loot, lore, lorn, lota, lote, loti, loto, ma, me, mi, mo, naan, nail, nain, nala, nana, nane, naoi, nare, neal, near, neat, nene, neon, nete, nine, nirl, nite, noel, noil, noir, nole, nolo, nona, none, noni, noon, nori, nota, note, oint, olea, oleo, olio, om, oner, onie, onto, oont, oral, orle, orra, raia, rail, rain, rait, rale, rana, rani, rant, rare, rata, rate, rato, real, rean, rear, reel, reen, rein, rent, rete, rial, riel, rile, rine, riot, rite, roan, roar, roil, roin, role, rone, ront, roon, root, rore, rort, rota, rote, roti, rotl, roto, taal, tael, tail, tain, tala, tale, tali, tana, tane, tara, tare, tarn, taro, teal, tear, teel, teen, teer, teil, tela, tele, tene, tern, tiar, tier, tile, tine, tire, tirl, tiro, tirr, toea, toil, tola, tole, tone, tool, toon, tora, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tree, trie, trin, trio, tron3 points: aal, aia, ail, ain, air, ait, ala, ale, alt, ana, ane, ani, ann, ant, are, art, ate, ean, ear, eat, eel, een, elt, ene, eon, era, ere, ern, err, eta, inn, ion, ire, ita, lar, lat, lea, lee, lei, let, lie, lin, lit, loo, lor, lot, nae, nan, nat, nee, net, nie, nil, nit, non, noo, nor, not, oar, oat, oil, ole, one, ono, oon, oor, oot, ora, ore, ort, rai, ran, rat, ree, rei, ren, reo, ret, ria, rin, rit, roe, roo, rot, tae, tai, tan, tao, tar, tea, tee, tel, ten, tie, til, tin, toe, ton, too, torpoints are points for scrabble on normal squares