the N frame is usually the bigger caliber as with 45, 44 and 357...........
K, l, n
You must call S&W
S & W made at least 35 models chambered for the 38 Special ctg. You would need to know the frame type (probably J or K), barrel length, round or square butt, type of sights, grips, finish & of course condition. It was probably manufactured in the 1960's. A post-war K frame with that s/n would have been built in 1966, an early J frame in the later 1960's. You would need to provide much more info to arrive at an approx. value.
The hybridization of N i n N2 is sp.
Call Colt.
38+n=57 n=57-38 n=19
-38n = 46. n = 46 / -38 n = - 46 / 38 n = 1.2105
38% of 88 is 33.44 (n = 88).
-sp +n and you are there
N is the designation of the type of frame the gun was made on. J is for small revolvers(Model 36,37,38,40,42,49,60,etc.) K is for medium frame revolvers(Model 10,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,etc.) L is for intermediate frame revolvers(Model 586,etc.) N frame revolvers were originally for high velocity,high pressure cartridges.(.357,44 magnum,38-44 high speed) For a long time, they were the largest frame revolvers made.(Model 27,28,29,57,58,etc.) Now, Smith&Wesson make the 460 and 500 magnums. These are even larger than the N frame. N prefix is the N series which startet in 1970. Best TrophyMatch45
Anto nios Sp Vervenio tes has written: 'Etymologikon lexikon to n xeno n lexeo n en chre sei eis te n nean Helle nike n ='
44 Special