Yes, I is always capitalized in the se nte nce.
NTE128 is a direct replacement according to NTE's website.
Notice to explain or NTE's are an explanation of what an employee really think happened or stating the reason why an occurrence have taken place in a formal letter. The best way to answer NTE's is to answer as honest as you could and be consistent as long as it will not jeopardize your status or position with the company -- the main reason for writing NTE's. This is because some NTE's are a mistake when it happened, meaning it is not your real intention to disregard or disobey any policies, rules or regulations set by the standard of the company. It is best to talk to few people whom you think can be trusted and can give you concrete solutions.
The airport code for Nantes Atlantique Airport is NTE.
Period is the punctuatio n mark after a declarative se nte nce.
When it is used i n the begi n ni ng of the se nte nce.
Capitalize legislators when it is used i n the begi n ni ng of the se nte nce.
No. Karate should not be capitalized u nless it is used at the begi n ni ng of the se nte nce.
Sanctuary should not be capitalized whe n used i n a se nte nce u nless it is used i n the begi n ni ng of the se nte nce.
At the begin ni ng of the se nte nce or whe n it is used as part of a proper nou n. Example: Asia n Culture Society
At the begin ni ng of the se nte nce a nd whe n it forms part of the proper nou n. Example: Philippi ne Military Academy
At the begin ni ng of the se nte nce a nd whe n it forms part of the proper nou n. Example: The Society for Human Resource