The telephone number for Moshi customer service is 1-877-556-6744 or 1-877-55MOSHI. 66744 is Moshi. Their hours are Monday through Friday 7:00am-4:00pm Pacific standard time.
I don't think Moshis or Moshlings can date but you can pretend to ^^'
You get fraus teeth and ring the phone then get the pen and go to zac and say I want your autograph
no i have tried it a couple of times the awnsers no sorry
You can't. The super moshis are a fictional group of characters in the game. You can play as a super moshi in the missions if you are a moshi member, but the super moshis cann
at the volcano
He is the head of the Super Moshis
You have to become a member first so you can do Super Moshis then you have to beat levels 1 and 2
He is the head of the Super Moshis
plant diffrent seads
Since Super Moshis are paid Moshi Monsters Members, they have access to all areas of Moshi Monsters.
super heros on moshi monsters
in the monk