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It's Latin for "I gather, therefore I am."

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Q: What is LEGO Ergo Sum?
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What is LEGO ergo sum mean?

"I chose>gather>read information, therefore I am." Lego Ergo Um is truly the basis for Cogito Ergo Sum. Without the information to base thought on, thoughts are no more than the roll of dice. The process of seeking out aquiring and processing information is what defines who and what we are.

Is there any evidence?

Cogito ergo sum.

Thus in Latin?

ergo or igiturThe most commonly seen ergo is in Descartes' famous statement, Cogito, ergo sum, which means I think, therefore I am.

How do you cite cogito ergo sum?

I think therefore I am

How do you say i am therefore i do in latin?

Sum ergo ago.

Famous latin phrases?

cogito ergo sum

Who said cogito ergo sum?

René Descartes

What does Pando ergo sum mean?

Pando ergo sum is Latin for "I bend, therefore I am."(Pando can also mean "I spread out; I extend", but in this meaning it requires a direct object.)

What Does Ergo Et Sum mean?

"Ergo et sum" is Latin and translates to "Therefore, I am." It is commonly associated with the phrase "Cogito, ergo sum" which means "I think, therefore I am," a philosophical concept introduced by René Descartes to affirm one's existence based on the act of thinking.

What is descartes statement?

Cogito ergo sum = I think, therefore I am .

E pluribus unum et cogito ergo sum?

There are two phrases here.E pluribus unum means one out of many, and (et) cogito ergo sum means I think, therefore I am.

How do you say ''I love therefore i exist'' in latin?

Amo ergo sum.