high notes and low notes are usually catagorized by voice parts. soprano is high, (somtimes sopranos are split into soprano 1s and 2s) alto is low, and tenor is boys.
Low notes in music have lower frequencies and are produced by vibrating at a slower rate, while high notes have higher frequencies and vibrate faster. Low notes are deeper in pitch and have a more resonant sound, while high notes are higher in pitch and have a brighter, more piercing sound.
The order of music notes from high to low in a scale is: C, D, E, F, G, A, B.
My vocal range spans from low notes to high notes, allowing me to sing a variety of pitches.
The keyboard notes for the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven are in the key of C minor and include a range of notes from low C to high C.
The strings on a guitar are typically tuned to the notes E, A, D, G, B, and E from low to high.
High music, low music, its becuz some notes are high, some sound low.
ledger lines
high notes; they can't stand it!
people can sing both high and low notes like Katy perry or Justin bieber for examples
because there is some high notes and low notes
Low Rider
The higher notes are the high notes and the low notes are lower notes: CEDCGFEcccabcaGECCDCEDDDGGGEFGGcccabcaGECDEDCGcGECCDCDGGGEFFGcccabcaGECDEDC.
No, a low pitched note has a low frequency. The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, with low frequency sounds corresponding to low pitched notes and high frequency sounds corresponding to high pitched notes.
I don't know LOL
octave keys
Of course. There's no relationship between the wavelength and amplitude of a wave phenomenon. With a trumpet or a guitar, you can make low notes thaty are loud or soft, and you can make high notes that are loud or soft. You can make loud notes that are high or low, and you can make soft notes that are high or low. One parameter has no effect on the other.