The phone number of the Elvis Is Alive Museum is: 636-745-3107.
Yes, the Elvis Presley's Heartbreak Hotel is located at 3677 Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis TN. The Phone number is (901) 332-1000. It offers Elvis accented rooms and Elvis themed suites and it conveniently located near the famous Graceland Mansion.
How many number ones did Elvis Presley have in this country.England
Elvis Andrus is number 1 on the Texas Rangers.
Elvis Dumervil is number 58 on the Baltimore Ravens.
Elvis Presley has been dead since 1977, and therefore is unlikely to have a phone number.
Elvis Presley last number one hit in the USA was Suspicious Minds in September 1969
Elvis :)
yes, of course
When Elvis was alive, cell phones didn't exist and his house number would have been very private and would have only been given to family and very close friends. This is Graceland's current phone numbers, but is only used to book tickets to Graceland 1-800-238-2000 and 901-332-3322
Elvis Presley