proven real.
you can look at Google and type pictures of Kevin Jonas and Danielle deleasa
Danielle Deleasa. A 22-year-old former hair dresser. They met on vacation in the Bahamas 2 years prior to their engagement.
No, Danielle is not cheating on Kevin Jonas!
Like that : Google doesn't bite ! Just google it ;) Thnks !
Danielle Deleasa suffers from a very rare form of dyslexia which makes her sometimes speak backwards in mumbled jargon. She also has an odd nose and has no GAY-dar.
Danielle deleasa
Kevin Jonas and Danielle Deleasa are on their honeymoon in Mexico.
Danielle Deleasa married Joe Jonas which put her into the media spot light. She was born in New Jersey and is considered Italian.
She's now his wife and but she was called Danielle Deleasa :)
Danielle Deleasa got engaged by Kevin Jonas yesterday, on July 1st, 2009.
Danielle Deleasa is either 19 or 21 and Kevin Jonas is 21.
Danielle Deleasa is Married to Kevin Jonas. P.s Shes very Ugly
no she's kevin jonas wife
you can look at Google and type pictures of Kevin Jonas and Danielle deleasa