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Q: What is Baretta Shotgun Model S687EL Gold Pigeon worth?
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How much for a whinchester 20 ga model 23 XTR pigeon grade?

Your Winchester model 23 XTR pigeon grade shotgun will range in value from 900-1,600 dollars,based on your shotgun having between 60%-90% of its original finish remaining and a good set of bores.

What is the value of Winchester shotgun model 23 pigeon grade 20 cal serial PWK 202824 original box never been shot?

your Winchester model 23 pigeon grade is worth 2300 in new unfired condition.You can add a 20% premium to this amount because it is in 20ga.

Can the slide be removed on Baretta model 635 pistol?

It is possible.

What is the history of Beretta 686 Silver Perdiz shotgun?

The Silver Perdiz is the predecessor to the the 687 Silver Pigeon. This model stopped manufacturing in 1996. Perdiz mean partridge in spanish.

Has anyone seen or heard of a Wichester Model 23 Made in the US?

Yes.The winchester model 23 shotgun began production in the year 1978.It was the first Winchester shotgun to have interchangable chokes,along with fixed choke barrels.The model 23XTR was offered in Grade I,pigeon grade,pigeon grade lightweight,pegion grade ducks unlimited,golden quail series,light duck,heavy duck,custom 2 barrel set,grande canadian,and the model 23 custom,and classic series.I believe that these shotguns were discontinued in the year 1987.

How much is a Winchester 1981 pigeon grade 101 worth?

if your Winchester shotgun is the lightweight field model then it is valued at 1250.00 for one in 70% condition up to 2,000 for one in 98%condition.

How old is a Winchester Model 96 shotgun?

Winchester did not make a model 96 shotgun,they did make a model 97 shotgun however.

What is the price of a used Baretta Model 96S 40 caliber?


What is the value of a baretta model 96 centurion 40 cal?

100-400 USD

What is the value of a baretta 380 pistol?

50-300 USD depending on EXACT model, condition.

What is a baretta 9mm model fs 92 worth?

100-1000 USD depending on specifics

Does remington make a model 1300 shotgun?

No winchester makes a model 1300 shotgun.