Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a non-professional self-help group for alcoholics. It has a one year success rate of about 5%.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of individuals who come together to support each other in maintaining sobriety and overcoming alcohol addiction. The program is based on 12 steps that promote personal growth and spiritual development through meetings and mutual support. AA is known for its anonymity and the principle of sharing experiences to help others in their recovery journey.
Dunkin' Donuts- ananymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
78% of them are alcoholics.
No, alcoholics crave alcohol.
Alcoholics Anonymous has written: 'Survey of Alcoholics Anonymous in Great Britain 1991'
The AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Alcoholics drink too much
Alcoholics Anonymous might never be replaced.
The Alcoholics was created in 1953.
Alcoholics Anonymous KeralaRadhakrishnan(Secretary) : 946288461
they can go to "AA" it means Alcoholics Annonomys
Many alcoholics are highly successful in their work and careers.