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Yo-yo dieting is a repeated cycle of weight loss and gain, often through dieting, which can have negative effects on metabolism and overall health, emphasizing the importance of sustainable weight management approaches.An eBook on that subject can help.

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It is Weight Cycling

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Lvl 1
1y ago
Yo-yo dieting is a repeated cycle of weight loss and gain, often through dieting, which can have negative effects on metabolism and overall health, emphasizing the importance of sustainable weight management approaches. Buy an
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Lvl 1
1y ago
Yo-yo dieting is a repeated cycle of weight loss and gain, often through dieting, which can have negative effects on metabolism and overall health, emphasizing the importance of sustainable weight management approaches.Buy an eBook

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Q: What is A repeated pattern of weight loss or gain?
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A repeated pattern of loss and regain of body weight is called?

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The first step before beginning any weight-loss or weight-gain strategy is to consult a doctor?

True------>APEX:)Before starting any major weight loss of weight gain excersise you should consult your doctor if this is right for you as your goal weight might be unhealthy.true