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Q: What is 6 hunna?
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Hunna died in 679.

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Hunna, Boogaloo, and double H.

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What is sásta nollaig?

You are trying to say "Happy Christmas" in Irish, but that is not they way it would actually be said. Sásta can mean happy or satisfied and Nollaig does mean Christmas, but the way of saying Happy Christmas in Irish is Nollaig ShonaDuit. It would be pronounced "Nullig hunna dhitch", with the hun in huna rhyming with gun.

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carlos santana moved to the us cause his wanted to live the trap life. and kick it with his 3 hunna homies

How do you say pronounce happiness in Irish?

happiness is 'sonas' in Irish, depends what type of Irish accent u have, im from dublin and id pronounce it sun-as (the s is like the s in yes not a zzz sound)

How do you spell breithlá shona dhuit?

I want to know how to say "Nollaig Shona Dhuit". (I'm not sure how to pronounce it.) Answer: The Irish for "Merry Christmas (to you)". To an American it would sound something like nnull-ig hun-a gh(u)it The gh is a gutteral g as in Spanish agua followed by a short u gliding into a short i. It should not sound like gwit.

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6 - 6 + 6 - 6 + 6 - (6 / 6) = 5

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Where do you put parenthesis in 6-6 multiply by 6 divided by 6 6-6?

(6-6)*6/6 = 6-6