Certain drugs affect people differently, not everyone is affected the same. Also Marijuana is a relaxant causing you to feel less pain and become more drowsy. and it also depends what kind of weed you have.
Awesome. Try it. It won't hurt you. It makes you happy, hungry, sleepy.
it makes you very happy! then after that, you get really sleepy! then after that yooh get really HUNGRY.! haha.
Alcohol causes you to become disoriented. Marijuana makes you sleepy. If you drive while on alcohol you cant control the car or your speed. Marijuana can make you drive slower.
happy, hungry, sleepy
happy, hungry, horny, sleepy.
the same as using regular marijuana! Happy; hungry, sleepy
The feeling that Marijuana produces is happy and sleepy. those are the only feelings i believe it produces.
yes in away because when you eat all the blood rushes to your stomach, and you get sleepy
It relieves stressm it makes you happy, it makes you sleepy (sleep is good), and it makes you hungry (to prevent eating disorders). You can't die from it unless you smoke over 100 pounds in one sitting, which is impossible. It can be used for medical reasons, such as cancer and glaucoma. There have been no deaths from marijuana usage, yet thousands from tobacco usage. The only downside is that it's illegal.
It makes you sleepy
The sandman.
The marijuana makes you high, and it makes you feel happy. It also makes your eyes red.