

Best Answer

Yak is not referring to cognac. It is a slang term for cocaine

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Q: What illegal drug is yak referring to?
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What drug is yak referring to?


Is tar a illegal drug?

If you are referring to the derivitive of the opium poppy called "tar," it certainly is.

Is drug illegal?

Yes, drug illegal sometimes.

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Drug is made illegal by the types or kind of that drug!

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Weed, cannabis, ganja, marijuana. They are all words referring to what some people call 'green'.

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Yes, it is a controlled drug. Illegal in the US if you do not have a prescription for it.

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Illegal drug money keeps money out of the economy of the country. The government can not tax illegal drug money.

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umm no! unless its an illegal drug store

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It all depends on specifically which drug you're referring to. Cocaine is probably the worst on your heart, followed by meth-amphetamines and heroin.

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The DEA(drug enforcement agency) deals with most illegal drug cases

Solution about illegal drug?

* Anti-drug Propaganda * Legislation as a deterrent * enforcement of said legislation