

Best Answer
  • The only one that can break you and your girlfriend up is the two of you and if you love each other then communicate about what is happening re the actions of your girlfriend's friend trying to break you up. It is really up to your girlfriend to decide if her girlfriend's bad actions towards both of you are worth keeping her as a friend. There are generally only two reasons for a girlfriend to try to break up her friend and her boyfriend and that is #1 she is jealous you are taking time away from her being with her friend or, #2 she may be in love with you.
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Q: What if your girlfriends friend tries to break you and your girlfriend up?
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answer i say call her bluff and if she does break up with you she never loved you in the first place!!!! Play by her rules or you may lose her. She already knows you love her, but doesn't feel it the right time to get serious again. If you want to keep her and possibly get her back later, play by her rules.

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