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make him forget! get on something realllyyy sexy (wear see-through) and act sexyy do the acts and nothing will come between you and him:)

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Q: What if your boyfriend wont forget your mistakes?
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How are you going to forget your ex-boyfriend?

get a new boyfriend

If your boyfriend gets mad at you but wont tell you why and just wants you to forget about it what should you do?

you should ask him if he is mad and if his tone of voice change then he mad but if it dont change then he is not mad

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Forget him, learn from your mistakes and move on. There are others out there who wont treat you the way he did.

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fly is an HM and no Pokemon can forget an HM.

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get her a new boyfriend tell her that IF HE wants HER...HE WILL LOOK FOR HER.. If not he is not interested in connecting with her again

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Don't compare him with your boyfriend, or you will forget how great your relationship is and how much you love your boyfriend.

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making mistakes if they won't do it they wont learn

What if you love someone but you have a boyfriend and the worst its your ex?

,i will just forget my ex because i have my boyfriend..!

What is forget and forgive saying?

its good to forgive the mistake done by someone's forgetfulness........................... its to bad when you forget to forgive the small mistakes...........................

What is the forgive and forget saying?

its good to forgive the mistake done by someone's forgetfulness........................... its to bad when you forget to forgive the small mistakes...........................

How do you know your boyfriend isn't cheating?

if your boyfriend is cheating you he wont wanna spend time wit you because that means he is with another girl. but if he spends every waking moment with you he is not. hope that helps. tacos rule!!!!!!! dont forget and pass it on

How do you forget a boyfriend?

how do you forget a boyfriend? honestly, you dont you just try to move on and eventually you will find someone who is better and doesnt make the same mistakes as the last one did to make you separate!! Keep busy, spend time with friends, go to movies, shopping, volunteer some time to help others, find another boyfriend, even a temporary one. And try to have fun, despite a breaking heart. You will get over him, it will just take a bit of time.