Pisces are born between Feb. 19, and March 20. Your Zodiac sign is The Fish. Your element is Water and your Ruler is Neptune.
Your zodiac sign would be Pisces if your birthday is on March 7. The dates for Pisces are typically February 19 - March 20.
If your birthday is May 7th, your zodiac sign is Taurus. Taurus individuals are known for being reliable, determined, and practical.
If you were born on June 7 your zodiac sign is Gemini.
James Van Allen was born on September 7, 1914.
If the due date is December 31, conception likely occurred around April 7 to April 15.
Your zodiac sign would be Pisces if your birthday is on March 7. The dates for Pisces are typically February 19 - March 20.
you are a capriconthat means you arePractical and prudentAmbitious and disciplinedPatient and carefulHumorous and reserved
If your birthday is May 7th, your zodiac sign is Taurus. Taurus individuals are known for being reliable, determined, and practical.
Aries is the star sign.
She is born on 7 March, therefore, her astrological sign is Pisces.
JLS- Jack the Lad Swing. Marvin Humes birthday is 18 March 1985, star sign: Pisces. Oritise Williams birthday is 27 November 1986, star sign: Sagittarius. Aston Merrygold birthday is 13 February, star sign: Aquarius. Jonathan 'JB' Gill birthday is 7 December 1986, star sign: Sagittarius.
Feb. 7 1997 - Jan. 27 1998 is the year of the Ox Jan. 28 1998 - Feb. 15 1999 is the year of the Tiger so whenever your birthday is in between is your zodiac sign.
If your birthday is May 7, your sign is Taurus the Bull.
If you were born on June 7 your zodiac sign is Gemini.
That would be Cancer
The Chinese horoscope goes on the year you were born. November 7 is the zodiac star sign Scorpio (October 24 - November 22).