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well it could be a swolen lymph node. but you can move them around. a fatty build up could be posible. i dont realy no....

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Q: What if your belly is hard above the belly button?
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What if you have a hard mass above the belly button?

It could be a tumor. Have it checked out by your doctor.

Why is it hard above the belly button while pregnant?

Depending on how far along you are, the height of your uterus might be above your belly button. Just wait until it is sitting under your ribcage!

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Is it normal if your belly is getting hard above your belly than under your belly button?

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my belly button has started to get firmer. My belly is also firmer and fuller, which is normal. My belly button is also a bit sore at times...I think this is because around weeks 16-20 it will start to pop out, which is also normal. your worries.

What is the meaning of a belly piercing?

A belly piercing is a piercing on the belly button. Where your belly button might go in or out, it is the slight arch you get just above it. it is a piercing through that area. depending on how your belly button is formed. Search google for images.

What is a navel peircing?

This means you are piercing your navel .. navel is the phrase for the area above the actual belly button** ( **other wise known as the umbilical knot)

Are adrenal glands located above or below the belly button?

They are located on top of the kidneys and normally are slightly above the belly button (navel). But there is tremendous variation in where a normal belly button is located on the abdominal wall.

What is the perfect waist line?

above the belly button.

Hard belly button?

The belly button is the spot on the body where the umbilical cord attached in the womb. In pregnant woman the belly button starts to pop out as a woman gets later in her pregnancy.

What organ is located above the belly button?

the stomach and intestines

What causes a knot above the belly button with pain?

A hernia

Is it possible to have line below the belly button and above the belly button Is it normal Pregnancy?

yes that is totally normal, but not until later in your pregnancy.