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go to a doctor or take a walk outside when its cold. your choice!

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Q: What if your belly feels bloated what do you do?
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Why do you have belly noises burping and a bloated belly?

gas, probably

What does a pregnant lady look like?

bloated belly limping ussally rubing her belly

Will doing crunches make you bloated?

Doing crunches won't make you bloated, it will help burn belly fat and gain abs. Eating junk food will make you bloated and fat.

What are some example sentences using the word bloated?

My stomach feels bloated.The bloated dead body of the fish floated to the top of the fish tank.

Why is your belly jumping?

Hi Friend, My belly do not jump. if you have big stomach then definitely it will jump.

Why is your belly always so bloated?

eat too fast

Do i you feel bloated when im doing seat up exercise?

Yes, I also feel bloated when I'm doing a seat up exercise. But they say it is normal, especially when you make it as your regular exercise. It is actually perfect workout in loosing beer belly or excess belly fats.

You have been getting dizzy and you have not had your period for 3 months now and you feel bloated and your belly feels tight all the time?

These are all signs of pregnancy. You should purchase an over the counter pregnancy test and if the results are positive then you should seek medical attention.

You have back pain your stomach feels bloated what does this mean?

Could be an early sign of pregnancy, or PMS

Why does one feel bloated all the time?

One usually feels bloated when there is extra fluid in the system. Women feel bloated sometimes prior to their period because of extra fluid they carry. It is not normal to feel bloated all the time. Maybe you should consult a doctor for a check up.

Your cat gave birth to 4 kittens 9 weeks ago and now her belly is bloated and hard?


What are some good home remedies for a bloated belly?

There are a variety of good home remedies floating around the internet that deal with a bloated stomach. One of the most popular is lemon juice and warm water.