Aspire: to puke, vomit and inhale the stuff. You could drown.
It looks like nothing, since they don't vomit, if your rabbit has weird stuff coming out of it's mouth GO TO THE VET.
This is becuase you get all of the bad stuff out of your body. And, you won't have a sick feeling in your stomach, and you'll be able to eat happily.
YES. very dangerous stuff... DON'T MESS WITH IT!
You vomit when you get sick and your stomach doesn't feel good and your stomach gets rid of the stuff you ate.
vomit by a bear or any kind of gross stuff. yuck. lol
yes in that American slave trade they did have to lie in there own vomit. maybe see if you can get a copy of ropes a movies which show a type of reconstruction as to what really happened like how harsh they were treated and stuff.
Edible food and stuff the kids not allergic to. They only barf if they're sick or allergic.
To vomit is "vomir" I vomit: Je vomis You vomit: Tu vomis He/she/one vomits: Il/elle/on vomit We vomit: Nous vomissons You (plural or polite) vomit: Vous vomissez They vomit: Ils/elles vomissent
It's the other way around. The black stuff is termed "coffee grounds emesis", and is the result of intestinal bleeding. It is the bleeding that is the cause of the low hemoglobin.
your sim, after tring for a baby, after about half a day, she will get the nauncious moodlet and will vomit. She will then vomit a few times fater that, and will start to have whishes to eat stuff. Then after about a day, she will fall pregnant and will have maternity leave. Hope this helped :)