A few hours in either direction will not make a significant difference if you're using the combination Birth Control pill. If you're using the progestin only pill (or minipill), you should take it within three hours of the same time each day.
Replace the missing pill with the last active pill in your pack. Take the other pills in the pack as scheduled. You'll finish the active pills a day earlier than originally expected. You should also start the next pack a day earlier than expected so that the pill-free break is no longer than seven days.
Resume taking your next scheduled pill on time. If you just started on the pill take it after eating as some women have nausea and vomiting as a side effect.
This is fine. It wont have the effect of missing the pill because you didnt miss a pill, you just took one pill 6 hours earlier than usual for you. Try to stay nearer the time for your medication but you are protected still against pregnancy.
If you took your pill earlier, there is no additional risk of pregnancy. If you're on the combination pill you can take your next pill at the usual time or the new early time. If you're on the progestin only pill, take your next pill within three hours of the time you took today's pill.
You should continue to take your birth control pills as scheduled regardless of bleeding.
You should continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.
Yes. You should continue taking your pill as scheduled, and take a pregnancy test if you missed any pills in the previous cycle.
A variance of 10 minutes one way or the other should not change the effectiveness of your pills. However, you should try to take them as close to the same time of day as possible to keep the medicine working properly.
There is no such pill. Your period is part of your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle to make your period start earlier than it is due.
yes you should take your pill earlier
Yes, you should take your birth control pill as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.
Unscheduled bleeding is common in the first three months of the pill. It gets better with time. Continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of bleeding.