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Maybe. When you smoke,some of the chemicals stay in your blood and the tarr makes your lungs go black. But cos weeds worse, and you probaly shouldn't have inhaled it anyway. The chemicals might have a higher affect on you, and ye probably will stay in your system for a bit. As long as you don't do it again, it should be ok.

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8mo ago

THC, the active ingredient in weed, can stay detectable in your system for up to 1 week after using, depending on factors like metabolism and frequency of use. However, for most people, a one-time use might only be detectable for a few days.

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Q: What if you smoked weed one time will it stay in your system?
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First time smoked weed how long will it stay in blood?

If you only smoked once, no more than two weeks, depending on how much, it may be out of your system in a matter of days.

How long will weed stay in your system if you havent smoked in 2 months and you took 5 hits off a joint?

Doesn't matter how long since you last smoked. Weed stays in your system from 2 weeks to a month.

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Depending on your amount of body fat, it can stay in your system for thirty days.

I smoked 2 hits last night will i pass a pee test?

You should pass unless you had marijuana in your system when you smoked the blunt

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Well if u smoked weed 2 weeks ago and then again 14 days ago then that means you only smoked weed 2 weeks ago.........14 days in 2 weeks weed gets out of your system a month from the last time you smoked it

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Weed can stay in your system up to 90 days. It's all dependent on your metabolism, body fat, etc.

If you smoked weed 1 week ago will it show up on a saliva drug test?

Yes. The chemicals stay in your system, no matter what you do.

If you smoked weed 6 months ago can it stay in your blood system 6 months later?

no, it only stays in your blood for up to three weeks. definitely not six months. if it was only one time, then it will only stay in your system for around three days.

How long will 2-4 hits of weed stay in your system?

it depends if you smoked it on the same day it will stay in your system upto 3 months but only be traceable for 1 month. :) weed<3

I smoked weed over the weekend an I have a job interview Wednesday what's the fastest way to get thc out of my system?

If you smoked weed there is not a fast way to get it out of your system. If you have a job interview on Wednesday and you had weed on Wednesday, there is a small chance that it will be out of your system already.

How long does weed stay in your body fat if smoked everyday?

30 days.

You were around people that smoked weed and you inhaled some of the weed how long if any weed will be in your system?

yes. you can get high second hand, which means its in your system