some women just dont like the way a man kisses. if he kisses too fast its a turnoff. my husband kisses fast so i hate to makeout at all. take it slow
Well, you don't really ever know because usually kisses look spontaneous. If he kisses you then... But there is no way to be sure! Hope this helped!
It means that he likes you. If he was not kissing you back, then that would be obvious that he probably likes someone else or he doesn't like you in that way.
well, if u miss your ex, then if you dumped him, dump your current boyfriend and go back to your old one. if the ex dumped you, then get over it. hes probably a jerk like Dylan. in this case, go dump your current boyfriend and find someone else who isn't a jerk like Dylan.
well i think that if your friends dont like him he must not be good for you!!!!friends are way more important then boy friends!!!!
you shuold just stay with your regular boyfriend if you dont like him anymore try a way to brake up with him and go with the cute guy how easyyy good answer but what if you like both of them?
It's just a sweet little gesture, another way for him to show that he loves you!
Talk about what you don't like about him ( in a nice way) it may fix things so you only like him!
If you don't want to lose the boyfriend, dont tell him. Its not a lie because you're not saying anything, and it doesn't relate to him so he doesn't need to know. You should punish your house mate in some way for letting you get that close to him.
Unfortunately you have to simply tell him you have a boyfriend and are not interested in him that way.
find another boyfriend who does.
if you feel the same way, go for it! say something casual (like sure) and dont seem too eager, especially if he/she is your first ever girl/boyfriend. if you still cant date or you dont like him/her then gently say im not looking for a relationship right now, sorry. dont laugh at him/her.