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Check with your doctor. You could be experiencing several things, including being pregnant or being menopausal and your doctor would be able to make suggestions and run tests.

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Q: What if you do not have your menstrual cycle and have had your tubes tied?
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Is it normal to be spotting after a regular period when I have had my tubes tied?

You will still menstruate when you have your tubes tied because your menstrual cycle is still working as it would normally and your uterus is still present. You may experience some irregular bleeding if you're close to menopause or for a few days after your tubes are tied as a result of surgery. If irregular bleeding continues then you need to go talk to your doctor to find out why this is happening.

How is it possible to have a menstrual cycle when your tubes are burned clipped and tied?

Everybody's body is significantaly different.The lining around your uterus doesn't have anything to do with your tubes being tied.Now some people have irregular cycles after having a tubal.If you don't have a cycle you may have something else going on otherwise everything should proceed as it was.

Why do i still not have a menstrual cycle i got my tubes tied in September 2009 is that normal?

It depends if you had this procedure done in Mexico then they must of taken out your ovaries because that's what they usually do out there. Or you could probably be going through menopause.

How does depo affect you if your tubes are tied and you want to come off the shot?

You might have irregular bleeding as your body resumes it's normal menstrual cycle. If you had cramps and breast tenderness with periods before depo, they'll likely return as your regular cycle starts again.

What are the side effects of getting your tubes tied and burned?

The side effects of female sterilization can include abnormal bleeding between menstrual cycles, missed menstrual cycles, and bladder infections.

How can you have a period with no tubes?

A woman's period is tied to the growth of lining in the womb, which is controlled by hormones produced by the ovaries. Even though the egg cannot reach the womb after the tubes are tied, the hormones controlling the cycle are still produced, so the cycle should still be regular.

Do you still drop eggs after tubes tied?

Yes but as the egg reaches a dead end, ie: where the tube is tied it can not go any further. It is reabsorbed by the body just like during the menstrual cycle. Any sperm will meet the same fate but from the opposite end. Sperm and egg will never meet but yes if you have your tubes tied, burned or clamped you continue to produce eggs. Menopause or removal of the ovaries stop production of eggs.

How do you know when a woman is on her menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, as long as she is fertile she is always on her menstrual cycle. You can't tell where she is in her menstrual cycle unless she tells you.

Can you take clomid while your tubes tied?

can you take clomid while your tubes tied

Can you have a miscarriage even though your tubes are tied?

Can you have a miscarriage even though your tubes are tied?

How is the function of the uterus related to the menstrual cycle?

If sperm does not fertilize an egg that is released from the fallopian tubes each month, the uterus sheds its inner lining each month which is known as the menstrual period.

Can you get your tubes tied with an IUD inserted?

Getting an IUD is not common if your tubes are tied.