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Please visit your doctor for an evaluation. You need to be seen as soon as possible.

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Q: What if you cervix has been closed but you have had bleeding and you have had about 4 clots and now a bit of tissue but your cervix is still closed is this a miscarriage?
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Why would my doctor recommend a DNC?

Doctors will recommend a D&C for a variety of reasons, most commonly for abnormal bleeding from the cervix but also for the extraction of miscarriage tissue.

Is it possible to have remaining tissue in the uterus after a miscarriage despite a negative pregnancy test and a closed cervix The miscarriage occured 4 weeks ago and test done 4 weeks later by doc.?

If you are concerned, an ultrasound test will confirm the emptiness of the uterus. == Yes, it is possible to have tissue left in your uterus after a miscarriage, this is called retained placenta. You really need to have a doctor confirm this, as a retained placenta could cause death, through hemorraghing or infection.

Is it safe to use a tampon a few days after a miscarriage?

No, tampons should not be used a few days after a miscarriage and there's no reason to use tampons as you will not be menstruating at that time. During miscarriage tissue from the pregnancy needs to be expelled, the cervix is more open so you're at higher risk of infection and TSS - thus using tampons would be very dangerous. If you still have bleeding then use pads or period underwear.

Do doctors have surgery on you when you have a miscarriage?

Sometimes when the miscarriage isn't complete they will do a D&C to remove any tissue remaining and prevent / stop heavy bleeding or infection.

What does it mean when your cervix is open your bleed heavily with big clots and large tissue coming out? can be either a heavy period or a miscarriage. If it does happen to be a miscarriage, you may experience very painful cramps as well.

Is spotting brown on tissue after urination a sign of miscarriage?

No. Its uterine bleeding which indicates pregnancy has taken place, aka implantation bleeding. Tissue can alse be a bit of left over toilet paper which looks like vaginal tissue. But see your doctor to be sure.

Can you bleed a lot at the start of a miscarriage?

While many women who miscarry will start with only spotting, it is possible that the first sign of miscarriage can be heavy bleeding, possibly with clot or tissue passage.

If you have brown blood instead of red blood and then red blood with what looks like blood tissue about a week after taking the morining after pill is that considered a miscarriage?

No this isn't a miscarriage. Miscarriages result in extreme and intense pain which is agony and very heavy bleeding. What you experience is not a miscarriage. The blood tissue is a clot from your period.

What is the procedure known as a D and C?

A D and C, short for dilation and curettage, is a procedure where the cervix is dilated and tissue is removed from the uterus. It is commonly used to diagnose or treat conditions like abnormal bleeding, miscarriage management, or to remove tissue after a pregnancy termination.

You passed a clam sized tissue grey and pink in colur with blood and cramping you went to the doctor but the pregnancy test was negative- could this still have been a miscarriage still?

Yes this was most likely a miscarriage. Especially if you experienced abdominal crmaping & vaginal bleeding. If you didn't experience cramping & bleeding then it most likely wasn't a miscarriage but uterine tissue being released which does happen sometimes - its your uterus way of clearing itself out fully.

What is hyperplastic tissue?

Hyperplastic Endometrial tissue is cervical (cervix) and uterine (uterus) tissue.

Is it possible to have a miscarriage and not the pass the tissue of the fetus?

Yes you can. Sometimes the baby dies but you do not 'miscarry' it. Eventually you will probably pass it but sometimes you may need to be induced. Unfortunately this is called a missed abortion. DICTIONARY Abortion. Medical term for termination of pregnancy by any means before the fetus (baby) is able to survive. Threatened abortion. Bleeding and/or cramps with the fetus still alive and the cervix (neck of the wonb) still closed. May go on to become Inevitable abortion. (Miscarriage) Cervix opens and fetus is lost. Incomplete abortion. Some of the products of conception (fetus and/or placenta) are retained. Therapeutic abortion. Termination of pregnancy by a medical practitioner. D and C. Dilation and Curettage. Operation whereby the gynecologist opens the cervix (dilation) and scrapes (curettes) the lining of the uteus (womb) to remove the products of conception. May follow an incomplete abortion.