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That means it is infected. Go see a doctor as soon as you can.

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Q: What if you belly botton piercing is pussing?
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Can you swim IN RIVER if you have belly botton pierced?

Yes, you can swim in a river if you have your belly button pierced. However, if it is a new piercing, the general advice is to wait at least a month before swimming as the wound needs time to heal.

How do you cure a crusted belly botton?

Usually a mild soap and warm water will get the crusties off. [If it's infected, DO NOT TAKE OUT THE PIERCING! If you do, the skin will close up and basically seal the piercing inside your body thus, making it worse for you.]

What is the meaning of a belly piercing?

A belly piercing is a piercing on the belly button. Where your belly button might go in or out, it is the slight arch you get just above it. it is a piercing through that area. depending on how your belly button is formed. Search google for images.

How old do you have to be to get a piercing without a parent in new york I want to get my belly botton done and I'm 16?

The legal age for people to make their own decisions in the USA is age eighteen.

How old do you have to be to have your belly botton pierced?

In most places, you have to be 18 years old. If you are younger, then you need parental consent. But I highly suggest researching getting a piercing before you decide that's what you want.

When will pain of belly button piercing subside?

The pain of the belly button piercing should subside after a week.

What is popernickel?

um it means to stick raisons in your belly botton where im from

Can you not have babies by piercing your belly button?

Piercing your belly bottom has nothing to do with having a child and it does not affect the process.

How long can you remove a belly piercing for?

Depends on your body, how old the piercing is, and what size the piercing is.

Does Bill Kaulitz have a septum piercing or a belly button piercing. I saw pictures somewhere but don't remember where?

Bill has a setum piercing but there are rumors about a belly button one.

What is the name of rowelys belly botton on the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

I'm not sure. It might just be 'Belly Button'.

Does getting your belly button pierced hurt more or less than getting your ears pierced?

Your belly button piercing hurts more then a normal ear piercing your belly button piercing is more sensitive then a ear. :]