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For your safety, the IUD must be removed as soon as possible. At that point, you can decide whether you would like to continue the pregnancy or not. See your health care provider immediately.

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Q: What if you are pregnant with an expired IUD is in your uterus?
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Related questions

Why should you remove your IUD?

You should remove your IUD if you want to get pregnant, if you are pregnant, or if its useful life is expired and it's time to replace it.

Can you become pregnant if your IUD is out of place?

Yes. The IUD is effective when it's in the right place, at the top of the uterus. If it comes partially or completely out of the uterus, you can get pregnant.

Iud out of date?

If your hormonal IUD is past its useful life, you may not have complete protection. The copper IUD may continue to provide protection. Other than that, there are no special dangers in leaving an expired IUD in the uterus.

If pregnant with an IUD can it be taken out?

It would have to be. The IUD is in your uterus, where the baby grows and lives in you for 9 months. Having the IUD in there could possibly damage or kill the baby.

What is an IUD insertion?

IUD insertion is a form of birth control available to people looking to avoid getting pregnant. The most common type of IUD is a copper IUD which acts as a spermicide when in the uterus.

What can happen if you got pregnant on the IUD but the IUD was in the cervix not the uterus?

If the IUD was in the cervix, it couldn't work properly. If you're pregnant, the IUD must be removed, regardless of whether you want to continue the pregnancy. Then you can choose to continue or terminate the pregnancy. If you choose to terminate, you can have another IUD inserted after the abortion.

What happens if you get pregnant while an expired IUD is still in your uterus?

This is a question you absolutely MUST ask a doctor who is familiar with your medical history. No matter what anyone else says here, the human body is too complex and there are too many variables to give a general answer to this question.

Your IUD was moved to your lower uterus can you still get pregnant?

What do you mean by "lower uterus"? Do you mean in the cervix? Or Vagina? In either case, health care professionals (and the Mirena and Paraguard manufacturers) recommend that you call for an appointment after ANY movement of the IUD because YES, you may get pregnant.

You have an IUD and you are on the pill can you stil get pregnant?

Depending on the type of IUD (some have expiration dates), so if your IUD has expired or is not positioned properly in the uterus, it is no longer providing protection. With the pill, if taken perfectly it works 99.7%-99.9% of the time, so 1-3 women out of 1000 will still get pregnant. In the real world its effectiveness is approx. 97% because people forget or miss pills. So even though unlikely,it is theoretically possible to get pregant using an IUD and the pill.

Is there a hole in your uterus after removal of IUD?

No; the IUD does not make a hole in your uterus, nor does removal. It rests in the empty space in the uterus.

Where does an IUD go?

If the IUD is not in the uterus, it has likely fallen out.

Can you get pregnant once implant expires?

Pregnancy can occur the first time ovulation occurs after an IUD implant has expired.