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Well, before you start going out with somebody, ask them for their age, and if they lie, like saying they are 21 ask to see some identification, and if they are 11 saying they are 16 don't even bother talking to them anymore because they're just liars.

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Q: What if they lied about there age?
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Good luck proving that she lied -- you're going to need some witnesses or for her to confess that she lied.

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Be straightforward. Just sit him down & explain that you lied about your age, tell him how old you really are, & explain why you felt the need to lie to him.

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pals battilians

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you had to be at least 13 or 14 but many kids at age 11 and 12 lied about their age to get in

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i dont think she ever lied about her age and if she did then just look it up on google

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You don't. if you lied about your age, then its your fault.

Why did hamilton lie about his age?

some people think he lied about his age because he wanted to date or marry younger women