Sounds like the guy is really shy and probably likes you very much.
ask him while looking straight into his eyes
he likes you but is very nosy
ok, yeah, he probobly does, so throw stuff back, but not meanly.
Little things like if you catch him looking at you or if he always blushes while you're talking.
Well since his friend likes you, his friend wants to get to know you to. He probably wants to see if he approves of the girl and see if it is right for his friend. Or maybe he is thinking about stuff that his friend told him about you so he is looking at you while he is thinking it.
If she likes to hang around you. Also if she can be kinda aggressive while around you, such as pushing you around, playfully hitting you... stuff like tht (:
She likes you
Well tell her that you like her and you wont change for her, if she likes bad boys then don't worry because everyone changes once in a while. If you are 20 or over then you should start worrying and start buying her stuff that she likes? Maybe ask to engadge?
He will smile while he is looking and/or he will come over and talk to you eventually.
If a girl in your class stares at you for a while, is always saying you're cool and stuff, asks how you are, and you always talks to you is most likely that she likes you.
definitely possible, someone who likes you might be nervous to make eye contact, or is scared to look at you while your looking at them. but it could also mean that their just really shy, but most likely, their just nervous.