It is not there and that means its a false pregenancy . Either you loss the baby or the body thinks it is pregnant but it is not .
see a doctor asap, it could be serious
A baby can never see outside of the womb. The baby can see brightness and hear noises. The baby will see the outside when he is born.
Go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) about it.
To see an unborn baby in the womb.
Generally a transvaginal ultrasound can spot a baby in the womb at around 4 weeks (give or take 5 days)
see a doctor if its continual for a whole month. You may have a permanently ruptured womb.
Babies in the womb suck their thumbs. If you see your first scan and when doctor shows you that baby is sucking their thumb. It's incredible and a miracle all rolled into one. Marcy
the baby can be born premature or can have a disability, you should eat healthy food if you cant, try going to a doctor and see if they can help you. good luck.
See a doctor
If you mean while the baby is in the womb, then they can tell because during an ultrasound they can see what is going on with the baby. If this is your baby then understand that your child is safe in the arms of the Lord. We went through a late stage miscarriage and we know that he is with Jesus and that we will see him again. My prayers are with you.
babies can go from mins to hours with out moving. it could also be scary feel the baby moving very offten to barly moving at all the next day, its all very normal it really worried see a doctor!
See a doctor to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with you.