It may be because the color is coming out of the tattoo. if it bleeded really bad then this will more than likely happen. When your tattoo is scabing do not pull it off or scratch it. Let it fall off its self.
That you drunkenly and foolishly tattooed a dot on yourself to be one of the "cool" kids with a party dot tattoo. It means nothing, and looks like a freckle or a mole.
Not knowing how it looks bad, it's pretty hard to say.....If it's completely healed, 3-4 weeks after it's done, and it still looks bad, you might consider having it re-done by a better artist, if it's fixable....If it is not you can have it covered with another tattoo, but make sure this artist is good enough to do a proper cover-up....Hope this helps.
Sounds like you are describing the zodiac sign for Capricorn....Hope this helps.....
yes it can i have just had exactly that done in black and grey and looks wkd
The ink is not going away the tattoo is just healing. When you get a tattoo you basically have a giant open wound that will heal over time. The ink that you first see when the tattoo is done is on the most surface layer of the skin. After that layer of skin heals over you are left with the ink that has penetrated deeper layers; a permanent mark. That is why the ink looks like it is slightly faded. The ink is not "going away", you are seeing the real tattoo for the first time.
no it looks like a scare but looks ace
It looks like it
It's a type of sticker that you apply to your skin. It looks a little like a real tattoo from a distance.
My sister has keloids. She had a tattoo to cover her keloid. It looks fine.
i think on her back it looks like one
no it is not. is is for the movie. i know it looks real
I guess they must think it looks cool.
His first tattoo was of a microphone (on his arm) when he was 18. He jokes that it now looks like a cheese grater.
A-rod does have a tattoo, he has a full body pin-stripe tattoo that looks like his jersey for the New York Yankees.
because it looks nice on same people that what i think
There are a few reasons why a new tattoo looks dull. It could be bad quality or that the person did not take care of it correctly.
no all henna really is like this dye that dyes your skin. but it looks like a faded tattoo.