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If a minor is caught consuming alcohol he/she will most likely have to give the officer their information (Parents names and phone numbers, Address, Birthday) and will either be taken home by the officer or the parents will be contacted and request to pick up the minor. The minor and his/hers parents will be required to go to the local police station in a week or so to find out the consequences. Most likely the minor will get 6 months probation, 16 hours community service, have suprise drug tests, and have to take underage drinking classes or something similar. Underage Consumption is a felony and is taken very seriously. Don't do it! I am fifteen and on the night of the last day of school two weeks ago me and two of my friends where drinking in this field and we all got wasted. Once we were drunk off our asses we decided to walk to this party near us and on the way there I threw up multiple times and passed out. Both of my friends ditched me and left me stranded. I then regained consciousness and tried to get to the party through woods (where I gained multiple scratches on my chest and Poison Ivy) and passed out again in a creek behind the party. Thankfully my friends of mine (not the ones i drank with) found me in the creek and called 911 after they couldn't get a response from me. I was put in a neck brace, had my stomach pumped, Shirt cut off me, and was rushed to the ER. My blood alcohol level was almost four times the legal limit and I was in serious danger of dying. After a nurse helped me take the diaper I was wearing off (yeah they put a diaper on me) my parents picked me up and I spent the whole next day sleeping and throwing with a major headache. I couldn't eat, drink, or even walk. I have been grounded for the last two weeks and have not done anything so far this summer and it sucks! But I'm ungrounded tomorrow thank god! So I got all of the consequences that I listed above which is pretty standard. I hope my answer helps no matter your reason for asking. But lesson to be learned is don't drink! Or at least if you do... don't get caught.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

I haven't been in this situation, but I know people who have, I believe they have to go through a counseling session and they need to do some community service.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A minor is more likely to become an alcoholic because they are more vulnerable. It also causes negative physical developments on the brain.

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Q: What if a minor drinks alcohol what happens to them?
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It is perfectly legal for a minor to sit in a bar, as long as the minor does not consume alcohol. Bars can serve non-alcoholic drinks too.

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Not mentioning the morality issue it is illegal in all states to buy alcohol for a minor. If caught it can bring a litany of charges including providing alcohol to minor, endangering the welfare of a minor, etc.

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the unborn baby of the mother who drinks absorbs all the alcoghol and it deters its developemnent and the baby is diagnosed with F.A.S or fetal alcohol syndrome and is uncureable.

What happens if you serve a minor alcohol?

You are breaking the law - contributing to the delinquency of a minor - impairing their health and well-being - etc..

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You get Alcohol Poisoning or Liver Disease which is usually fatal.

What if you buy a minor alcohol?

Then the minor will have alcohol.

Why drinks are named as soft drinks?

"Hard" drinks contain alcohol. Anything without alcohol is a soft drink.

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It depends on how deep the background check goes. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor for possession of alcohol it will likely disappear off of your record in 3 years so it all depends.

What happens if a person with ADHD drinks alcohol under aged?

If you are on medication for your ADHD , you could get very sick, and of cousre, get in trouble like anyone else who drinks under age.

What is fatal alcohol syndrome?

You probably misheard - it's called fetal alcohol syndrome, which is what happens to the baby when the mother drinks during pregnancy. Google it for more info.

What is the difference between alcoholic drinks and soft drinks?

Soft drinks are soda-based drinks which do not contain alcohol or its components... thus it is also called a non-alcoholic drink. Alcoholic drinks are alcohol-based drinks... also known as hard drinks.