It means that he wants to either take things slow in a relationship, decided to move on from you, maybe thought you didn't feel the same way, or maybe just wanted to be friends from preventing a really bad relationship and friendship all in the exact same time.
He will be friends with you but doesn't want a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. He doesn't want to date you. We all know people who are nice but we don't want to date all of those nice people.
well if he smiles and blushes when he says he didnt want to then he might but if he doesnt smile or nothin then he doesnt
If he says that it usually means he's not into. He just Wants to be friends or friends with benefits but he doesn't have the guts to tell you
He doesnt return calls, he doesnt say he will do what he says. He maybe interested but he wants to continue to have his options open. He probably likes you but he doesnt want a relationship. He wants to play the field. He wants to be able to date you, be with you, and others too.
Well it means that he does want to go out with you but he doesn't want the relationship to not work out and it ruin your good friendship.
he does want to be with u ..this happens to me and my ex nick all the time night just text him and tell him you still love him and see if his feelings are true if he doesnt reply the he still likes you if he says i do to then he still likes u if he says i dont love u then he doesnt want to get back -pretty in punk
Ignore him. Don't contact him.
maybe its because its really likes you and he doesnt want to wait
it means he doesnt want YOU.
it means he likes you, but hhes probably in a relationship or just got out of one and doesnt want to seem desperate.
One of two things: 1. Exactly what it says she doesnt want a bf. or 2. She doesnt like you and is interested in someone else.
It means he is glad you are over him. or that he likes you but doesnt want to screw up wat you have