He probably means that he likes you and maybe have some feelings for you but NOT like in love with you
Yea this one girl was like "I love you!" and gave me a hug... it was because i invited her to my bar mitzvah
Does he do air quotes with his hands when he says it?
no, it is not. Basically a girl slaps the buoy who teases her is it flriting?
yeah , probs, if he says it in a none joking way
They like you.
she'll cry!
if you feel the same way about him then say i love you back.
Tell him to make up his mind! you can only have one true love!
If he smiles at you, bumps into you, if he says he likes or "loves" you stuff like that
that means he loves or hates you still he might love you!
He means that he loves you and wouldn't let anything happen to you.
When a boy says "slurp slurp," it is typically meant to mimic the sound of someone slurping a drink or making another similar sound. It can be used humorously, flirtatiously, or playfully in various contexts.
No, it's actually not bad at all! It may mean that the boy likes you a lot! If he keeps playfully teasing you, it would be a good idea to tag along...if you like that boy of course!