Subsribe on YouTube means that when you are signed in on your YouTube account, the videos of the person that you subscribed to will show up on a list on the front page of YouTube. In a nutshell, it just means that the videos from the channel you subscribed to will show up on your YouTube homepage.
I hope this helped to answer your question.
YouTube subscribing gives you updates through email and raises the popularity of that YouTuber you are subscribing to.
You can check out my youtube channel at Please rate, comment, and subscribe to my videos!
People will watch an subscribe your your YouTube channel if you tell people the name of your channel and have interesting content.
This is my youtube channel please support guy's
JosephandGeoff are a Youtube channel that you should subscribe.
When you subscribe to a YouTube channel, you will be able to get notifications about that channel's new uploads. You may also get occasional update newsletters containing videos from all of the channels you are subscribed to.
maybe we will see
Bananaseal Youtube Channel
You can't subscribe to yourself. To subscribe to another person, there are two ways. 1- Go onto one of their videos (not on their youtube channel) and above the video box is the yellow subscribe button. Just click it! 2- Go onto their Youtube channel and scroll down to where their little profile picture is and their info in the tiny box. Where it says 'Add as Friend' subscribe should be there too. Hope I helped!
No. Sort of, depending on what you mean by Account. You can actually subscribe before having a user Channel. But there is a difference between having a Channel, and having an Account.
On the person's channel you wish to subscribe to, there should be a yellow button that says "Subscibe". You can also subscibe to a channel on one of their video pages.
Yes I did