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beer exploits

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Q: What happens when you put beer in the freezer for to long?
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Can you re chill canned beer?

yes you can just put it in the freezerBut not for long. It expands and the can will explode sending beer throughout the freezer.

Is it okay to store raw wheat in the freezer?

yes as long as you put it in a tight container with ginger beer

What happens if you put a battery in the freezer?

it charges

What happens when a cup of water goes in the freezer?

I think you need to try this. Put water in the freezer and see what happens.

What happens when gravy is put in a freezer?

It goes solid.

What happens to a bottle of coke if you put it in the freezer?

It freezes.

What happens if you put fire in a freezer?

Liam smith is sexy.

What happens if you put yeast in the freezer?

It would still be like normal, only frozen.If you have a GOOD freezer

What if you are trying to make a guy like you what do you do?

get a beer out of the freezer. put football on the tv. get naked. that should do the job.

What happens to molecules when they are put in the freezer?

well.... i have no clue LOL :D

What happens when you put snow i the freezer?

It evaporates, or disappears. Hope this helped!

How long can feta be stored in freezer?

If it's in brine, you should not put it in the freezer at all.